We have categorized 34 documents as PwC Frameworks. There are 20 documents listed on this page.

Management consulting firms like PwC love to leverage frameworks. A consulting framework is a set of concepts, principles, and tools that provide a structured approach to solving a particular problem or addressing a specific issue. By using frameworks, management consultants can provide a clear, organized, holistic, and efficient way of thinking about their clients' problems or issues—and can help their clients to understand and apply the recommended solutions. Learn more about PwC Frameworks.

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The average daily rate of a McKinsey consultant is $6,625 (not including expenses). The average price of a Flevy document is $65.



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Flevy Management Insights: PwC Frameworks

Management consulting firms like PwC love to leverage frameworks. A consulting framework is a set of concepts, principles, and tools that provide a structured approach to solving a particular problem or addressing a specific issue. By using frameworks, management consultants can provide a clear, organized, holistic, and efficient way of thinking about their clients' problems or issues—and can help their clients to understand and apply the recommended solutions.

There are 100s of consulting frameworks available that consultants use, with applications ranging from Strategy Development to Presentation Development. Problem Solving and Decision Making.

  • Enhancing their credibility: Another reason to enhance their credibility and expertise. By using well-known and respected frameworks, management consultants can demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in a particular area. It shows they are familiar with the latest thinking and best practices in their field. This can help to build trust and confidence with their clients. Furthermore, it can help to differentiate the consultants from their competitors. To this effect, consulting firms, such as McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Deloitte, Accenture, Capgemini, AT Kearney, PwC, Mercer, IBM, etc., often publish their own proprietary frameworks based on their own research and experience with clients.
  • Facilitating collaboration and alignment: Frameworks also facilitate collaboration and alignment among the various stakeholders involved in a project or initiative. By using a common framework, management consultants can help all of the stakeholders to understand and agree on the key issues and solutions; and can ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives. This can help to reduce conflicts and misunderstandings—and will improve the overall effectiveness of the project or initiative.
  • Providing a basis for evaluation and measurement: By using a framework, consultants can identify and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics; and can use these to evaluate the effectiveness of the recommended solutions. This can help to provide objective evidence of the value and impact of the consultants' work. This can also help demonstrate the Return on Investment (ROI) for the client.

For effective implementation, take a look at these PwC Frameworks best practices:

Explore related management topics: Strategy Development Decision Making Key Performance Indicators Best Practices Return on Investment KPI

Real PwC Presentations

We have a large, growing collection of presentations that follow the PwC T1SF (Tier 1 Slide Format) design structure. T1SF is a structured slide design format commonly used by global consulting firms. It includes a headline statement, a body with detailed content and visuals (e.g. charts, diagrams), and an optional bumper statement to capture the main insight. This format ensures clarity and focuses attention on the most important message of the slide.

Furthermore, if you are looking for real world presentations developed by PwC, here are 10 PwC presentations that we have compiled:

We will be updating this page, as more examples are provided to us. So, be sure to bookmark this page and check back periodically.

Explore consulting presentations from other firms: McKinsey

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