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Uniform Basics for Outdoor Workers in Winter

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Human Factors - The "Dirty Dozen" (92-slide PowerPoint presentation). "We don't redesign humans; We redesign the system within which humans work" Various industries including aviation sector have realized the need of understating in human factors and utilization and application of the understanding in order to protect human and properties and enhance [read more]

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Wintertime can be extremely uncomfortable for those who have to work outdoors. In fact, if you aren’t properly attired, then you might even find that you suffer from ill health. As such the right uniform matters not just to employees, but employers. Insisting that everyone wears the sort of clothing that will keep them safe, comfortable and healthy, after all, is usually good for business.

So, what items might we need at this time of year?


For outdoor workers, a set of rugged, weatherproof boots is critical. Trainers aren’t going to cut it. In some cases, you might want to invest that little bit extra in things like steel toe caps and soles. This applies to professions which require the carrying of heavy loads, or environments which might be full of trip hazards.

In wintertime, the presence of snow and ice should be a particular consideration. Look for boots with plenty of grip, and that are able to keep feet completely dry, even during extremely wet conditions.


A warm jacket is an absolute must. Ideally, a jacket should come with an additional fleece layer inside, which will offer extra warmth on those really, really cold days.


Hands that are exposed at all hours of the day are prone to becoming stiff and dry. Gloves solve this problem. Again, look for a waterproof option if you can. You might find that you need to strike a compromise between warmth and comfort and mobility. Certain professionals will need to use their fingers to do delicate work. For example, an electrical engineer working on an outdoor junction box will need to act with precision.

Fortunately, there are many different types of gloves available, including the fingerless kind.

Thick Trousers

An ordinary set of jeans probably isn’t going to cut it at this time of year. Look instead for something with a thicker underlying layer. Or, you might supplement an existing pair of trousers with a pair of thermal leggings. Trousers should ideally be weatherproof, too – as trousers that become soaking wet are likely to pose more of a hazard than they actually correct.


We should note that wintry conditions usually means poorer visibility. Night draws in earlier, and heavy fog and mist can prevent workers from being easily seen. This can present safety challenges, especially for workers in some sectors, like construction and roadworks.

As such, it’s a good idea that jackets and trousers are equipped with fluorescent and reflective components. If these don’t come as standard, they can be appended without much difficulty. However, if dozens or even hundreds of workers need to be equipped, it makes more sense to consider visibility before the equipment is purchased.

Excel workbook
The Health Safety Excel Spreadsheet is a comprehensive tool designed to effectively manage Work Accidents and Daily Safety Dialogues (DDS) within your organization. This spreadsheet offers a variety of features to enhance safety practices and promote a safe workplace environment. The [read more]

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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