
Flevy Blog is an online business magazine covering Business Strategies, Business Theories, & Business Stories.

Four Ways to Get Help with Annual Strategy and Operations Planning

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Complete Business Frameworks Reference Guide (407-slide PowerPoint presentation). This is a very comprehensive document with over 400+ slides--covering 58 common management consulting frameworks and methodologies (listed below in alphabetical order). A detailed summary is provided for each business framework. The frameworks in this deck span across Corporate Strategy, [read more]

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Editor’s Note:  Peter DiGiammarino is a professional CEO and founder of growth strategy consulting firm, IntelliVen.  IntelliVen is also an author on Flevy, producing a series of frameworks covering a variety of management and leadership topics.  View all this Flevy materials here.

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The year is more than half over and it is time to start planning for next year but the top team is maxed-out just keeping up with operations! Outside help may be just the thing.

There are four types of help… here is a guide you can use to decide which is right for your team.

About consultants… what is the difference between them?


1. Strategy Consultants

  • WHAT THE LEADER WANTS: Strategy consultants compare organization performance with others in similar and different industries to recommend what is possible in light of advances in technology and trends.
  • THE REALITY: The challenge is for leaders to internalize and adopt new ideas as their own, especially in light of what it will take to implement them. Strategy consultants are known for good ideas and not for helping clients follow their advice.
  • EXAMPLE FIRMS: McKinsey, Bain, BCG, and IDEO.

2. Implementation Consultants

  • WHAT THE LEADER WANTS: Leaders who know what they want to do need a way to do it. Implementation Consultants assign a team to work with an organization to get done what is needed.
  • THE REALITY: The challenge is that internal competence and capacity to maintain, extend, support, and revise what is delivered is often not enough to get full value and the organization remains dependent on outside help to address similar future needs.
  • EXAMPLE FIRMS: Booz Allen and Accenture.

3. Operators

  • WHAT THE LEADER WANTS: Leaders who choose to outsource part of their business turn to third-parties who provide the service for hire.
  • THE REALITY: Contracted Operators take full responsibility for what to do, how to do it, and getting it done at a best practice level. The organization has to learn to work with and manage the outsourcer(s) but no longer needs to worry about what to do with outsourced function(s).

4. Development Consultants

  • WHAT THE LEADER WANTS: Leaders who know their team can figure out what to do, and do it, if only they had the time and some help to work better together turn to Development Consultants.
  • THE REALITY: Aligned leaders who know how to collaborate accomplish things far greater than even they had any idea that they could.
  • EXAMPLE FIRMS: Organization Development consultants, CEO Coaches, and experienced executives, including IntelliVen.
144-slide PowerPoint presentation
Frameworks are powerful tools Strategy Consultants leverage to address their clients' business issues in an organized, thorough, and efficient fashion. In this presentation, we provide primers to 20 consulting frameworks used by Strategy Consulting firms. These frameworks have been categorized [read more]

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These best practices are of the same as those leveraged by top-tier management consulting firms, like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, and Accenture. Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by utilizing these best practice frameworks, templates, and tools. Most were developed by seasoned executives and consultants with over 20+ years of experience.

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19-slide PowerPoint presentation
Management consultants work with clients (organizations, executives, leaders, and teams) to identify and solve complex business problems. Thus, at the core of any management consulting project is a strategic issue that the management consultant must help the client address. E.g. * Where do we [read more]

43-slide PowerPoint presentation
74-slide PowerPoint presentation

About Peter DiGiammarino

Peter DiGiammarino is a senior executive with over 30 years of success leading businesses that target tight public and private markets around the world. In addition to running companies, he serves public, private, private-equity-owned, and venture-capital-backed software and services firms as an adviser and/or board member and has consistently helped them to achieve their full potential to perform and grow. Peter currently serves on boards and advises leaders as CEO of IntelliVen. IntelliVen is also an author on Flevy (view materials here).

Complimentary Business Training Guides

Many companies develop robust strategies, but struggle with operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps. This presentation from flevy introduces 12 powerful business frameworks spanning both Strategy Development and Strategy Execution. [Learn more]

  This 48-page whitepaper, authored by consultancy Envisioning, provides the frameworks, tools, and insights needed to manage serious Change—under the backdrop of the business lifecycle. These lifecycle stages are each marked by distinct attributes, challenges, and behaviors. [Learn more]

We've developed a very comprehensive collection of Strategy & Transformation PowerPoint templates for you to use in your own business presentations, spanning topics from Growth Strategy to Brand Development to Innovation to Customer Experience to Strategic Management. [Learn more]

  We have compiled a collection of 10 Lean Six Sigma templates (Excel) and Operational Excellence guides (PowerPoint) by a multitude of LSS experts. These tools cover topics including 8 Disciplines (8D), 5 Why's, 7 Wastes, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), and DMAIC. [Learn more]
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