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6 Tech Tips for a Successful Startup

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Five Stages of Business Growth (25-slide PowerPoint presentation). This presentation introduces a framework for entrepreneurs to use when building and navigating their business from a nascent, startup state to an enterprise with a global footprint. This framework, called the 5 Stages of Business Growth, is based on the fact that all businesses experience common [read more]

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If you want a successful startup, it’d require you to think about how to make the most out of technology to compete and achieve success early on. Integrating new technology can be quite complex and require a decent budget. With this in mind, it’s crucial to utilize the suitable tech for your operations to avoid wasting resources on unnecessary ones.

Understandably, it can be challenging to get it right when starting a new business, and it usually depends on your industry. As part of maintaining the efficient operations of your startup, consider working with a professional to effectively deal with any IT challenges along the way.

According to a managed IT company in Orlando, ensuring a good beginning for your startup can be taxing, but here are several tech tips for setting your business on the proper path:

1. Invest in the Latest Cybersecurity Solutions

You’ll never go wrong with cybersecurity among the growing technology trends today. For new startups, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of your business, especially when cybersecurity threats are on the rise. Make it a priority to invest in superior cybersecurity solutions.

Today, hackers are more likely to target startups since they’re less likely to have good security in place, so make the necessary precautions and prepare early on. Any potential cybersecurity threat can be debilitating for a startup and hinder your chances of success.

2. Make Use of a Video Conference Tool

A video conference tool is a must-have for any startup these days. Whether you’re interviewing job candidates or scheduling meetings with suppliers or partners, you can conveniently make it happen with a video conferencing tool.

3. Optimize Your Website

A website should also be a priority if you want your startup to succeed. Today, a website serves as a virtual facade so people will know about the products or services you’re offering. Sadly, many websites have poor designs.

If you want your startup to make a solid first impression on your target audience, consider making changes immediately to ensure the site isn’t excessively wordy and visitors can easily access the information they want.

Make it a priority to feature your contact information and a call to action (CTA). Additionally, consider working with a professional to optimize your website to earn a good ranking on the search engines.

4. Adopt a Remote Work Setting and Outsourcing

In most startups, the funds will always be a concern, and one of your primary objectives is to find options to minimize your expenses. An option you might want to consider is adopting a remote work setting and outsourcing some of the business operations.

Remote working allows your startup to utilize less space or even manage it from home. Outsourcing the tasks will help minimize the staffing expenses and lessen the workload.

5. Implement Cloud Technology

Among the latest technology trends, you’re likely to hear about the cloud most of the time. Cloud  computing involves storing, managing, or processing data on a network of remote servers hosted online.

Most small businesses utilize cloud technology to allow convenient accessibility and better data security. If you want to enjoy the benefits cloud technology provides, it’s something to consider for your startup.

You can choose from four major types of cloud computing where each has a distinct feature:

  • Backup as a Service (Baas) allows you to store digital data by backing them into remote servers.
  • In a Software as a Service (SaaS), a third-party provider hosts applications and caters to clients’ needs online.
  • An Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) permits users to access resources in a cloud-based environment.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) enables customers to rent virtualized servers and related services to manage current apps or operate on host applications.

Depending on the specific requirements of your startup, you can choose from any of these cloud computing models.

6. Begin Digital Marketing Campaigns Early

Among the significant challenges startups face today, making people aware of your brand is a considerable hurdle. Once you launch your startup, it’s vital to make a good impression so you can start to gain an audience and establish a positive reputation. The best way to make it happen is to start with your digital marketing efforts early on.

Make digital marketing one of your priorities. It can significantly help in boosting awareness and creating the word around your business before the launch to gain a good start. You can do digital marketing yourself, but consider outsourcing the work to a reputable firm. 

Final Thoughts

With the help of these tech tips, you might want to consider including them while planning your startup to help establish a solid platform for success.

Remember that the latest technological trends can be beneficial to any startup, but you must know how to maximize them to reach your goals in no time. Choosing the suitable technology to help your business start on the right path and have equal standing with the competition is the key to ensuring a successful startup.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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