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5 Need-to-Know Fleet Maintenance Best Practices

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Landed Cost Calculator for USA Imports (Excel workbook). This landed cost calculator is an advanced Microsoft Excel ? spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the total landed cost of importing goods into the USA No need to waste time reinventing the wheel this spreadsheet has evolved from many years of practical use and ongoing development by a [read more]

Also, if you are interested in becoming an expert on Supply Chain Management (SCM), take a look at Flevy's Supply Chain Management (SCM) Frameworks offering here. This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. By learning and applying these concepts, you can you stay ahead of the curve. Full details here.

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If your business relies on a fleet of vehicles in any capacity, naturally, you need to ensure your fleet is properly maintained. Effective fleet maintenance can help you save money, limit downtimes, better serve your customers, and guard against accidents.

That’s why it’s important to not only leverage an effective fleet management solution, but to also be familiar with certain fleet management best practices.

Some fleet management best practices are industry-specific. In general, though, the following apply to all businesses, regardless of their industry or sector. Keep them in mind to ensure your fleet is being maintained properly and thoroughly.

Consider Fleet Rotation

Maximizing the lifespan of your fleet’s vehicles is key to saving as much money on fleet maintenance as possible. Thus, you should maintain data indicating which drivers drive the most miles in a given quarter or year, as well as which vehicles tend to have the most mileage. You should also track which drivers drive less often and which vehicles have the least mileage.

Rotate your fleet accordingly. When a vehicle and its driver reach a certain mileage, assign that vehicle to a driver who covers fewer miles in a year, while assigning their low mileage vehicle to the driver who covers more miles. This can keep your vehicles on the road much longer.

Maintain Timelines & Checklists

This may be a simple point, but it’s so critical that it earns a spot on this list.

Fleet maintenance processes must be standardized. You need to develop a plan that involves proactively performing vehicle maintenance according to an established and strict schedule. Those performing said maintenance must also adhere to thorough guidelines and checklists to ensure all essential maintenance tasks are performed. Additionally, anyone involved in fleet maintenance must undergo rigorous and frequent training.

Assign Gas Cards to Vehicles

This is a valuable fleet maintenance tip that’s nevertheless very easy to overlook! Don’t make that mistake.

It’s not uncommon for businesses and organizations with fleets of vehicles to provide their drivers with gas cards. Often, these cards are associated with specific drivers.

It’s often better to tie gas cards to vehicles instead of drivers. This can help you more easily keep track of a vehicle’s miles per gallon and carbon emissions. In turn, this helps you better track when a vehicle is due for maintenance, and whether you’re complying with the EPA’s National Air Quality Standards.

Additionally, only use one gas card vendor if possible. This simplifies accounting and invoicing processes.  You can use any of these recommended fuel cards.

Rely on Predictive Analytics

Again, it’s very wise to use a fleet maintenance software that boasts certain key features, such as data tracking and report generation. The right software can benefit your business in various essential ways.

For example, through data analytics, you can predict when vehicles may need to be replaced with great accuracy. This helps you prepare to purchase vehicles ahead of time, while also limiting the odds that you’ll purchase more replacement vehicles than you currently need. The result? Major savings and reduced downtime.

Leverage New Technology

Because it’s important for both drivers and fleet maintenance specialists to be trained, you should strongly consider implementing new training methods that allow for more extensive education and practice than traditional methods provide.

For instance, while fleet maintenance training should primarily occur in-person, you can augment driver and fleet maintenance training with virtual reality training too. Many major companies, such as FedEx, have already done so.

Just remember that this isn’t a full list. You also need to consider fleet maintenance best practices that may be specific to your industry. These general tips will merely help any business owner keep their fleet in proper condition.

Excel workbook
The Freight Management Worksheet is a comprehensive tool designed to provide you with full control over your logistics operations. Below is an overview of the key components of the worksheet, with a focus on each specific sheet: 1. Validation Tab The Validation Tab ensures the accuracy and [read more]

Want to Achieve Excellence in Supply Chain Management (SCM)?

Gain the knowledge and develop the expertise to become an expert in Supply Chain Management (SCM). Our frameworks are based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. Click here for full details.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of Supply Chain activities. It also captures the management of the flow of goods and services.

In February of 2020, COVID-19 disrupted—and in many cases halted—global Supply Chains, revealing just how fragile they have become. By April, many countries experienced declines of over 40% in domestic and international trade.

COVID-19 has likewise changed how Supply Chain Executives approach and think about SCM. In the pre-COVID-19 era of globalization, the objective was to be Lean and Cost-effective. In the post-COVID-19 world, companies must now focus on making their Supply Chains Resilient, Agile, and Smart. Additional trends include Digitization, Sustainability, and Manufacturing Reshoring.

Learn about our Supply Chain Management (SCM) Best Practice Frameworks here.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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