Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Digital Transformation Strategy (145-slide PowerPoint presentation). Digital Transformation is being embraced by organizations across most industries, as the role of technology shifts from being a business enabler to a business driver. This has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Thus, to remain competitive and outcompete in today's fast paced, [read more]
10 Reasons Why You Should Have Virtual Phone Systems for Your Business
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Virtual phone systems connect through voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) connections. Users can make or receive telephone calls without the use of a broadband or landline connection. Several benefits are in store for businesses that use virtual phone systems. So, here are nine reasons you should install these communication forms in your organization.
1. Work from Anywhere
Landline telephone users find it challenging to work in different locations as they can’t bring their phones with them. No need to sit in front of your desk for long phone conferences, for you can use your smartphone or other compatible devices with the virtual phone system installed.
Moreover, you don’t need to wait in your office for that urgent phone call from a client when you have other important tasks to accomplish. Calls coming through the system will reroute to your mobile device, so you can be on the field and still receive that client call.
You may also send or receive voicemail messages with virtual phone systems in the form of mp3 or text files. Consequently, you can also receive faxes and forward these documents to your email as PDF files.
Consider combining virtual phone systems with other similar systems to take advantage of more features. For example, use these systems with ringless voicemail providers, like Call Cowboy, to improve convenience and versatility while providing sustenance and growth for your business.
2. Decrease Costs
Imagine being in a long-distance call for an hour with a business partner from halfway around the globe. It’s easy to talk for extended periods, mainly if there are vital matters to discuss. If you don’t have a long-distance call subscription from your carrier, chances are you’re going to pay per minute spent.
For example, each minute will charge you $0.40. That figure seems insignificant at first, but you’re on the phone for an hour, which means that you have to pay $24 for that one call.
You might think that you can handle paying $24 for a particular long-distance call. What if you need to call different clients and business partners daily? Furthermore, these calls may last for two to three hours, at least. You’ll just bury your business’s profits in long-distance call payments.
Reduce call costs by taking advantage of virtual phone systems. Call charges for these systems tend to be significantly more inexpensive than conventional landline calling rates. You may use a subscription-based payment plan wherein you only need to pay about $10 per month. The plan may also include perks, like unlimited greetings, personalized voicemail inbox, and call extensions.
Also, you can send and receive messages as long as you connect your device to a stable Internet connection. One excellent example is a hotel’s Wi-Fi connection, which you might use when you’re in another country for a business trip. Thus, you won’t need to pay for expensive data roaming charges.
3. Quick Installation
It shouldn’t take more than a day to install a virtual phone system in your business. So, you don’t need to stop company operations while the technicians are working at setting up the system. Some cases might not even require more than an hour for the installation to complete.
Perhaps, one of the primary advantages of installing virtual phone systems is the non-existence of landline or hardware to install. You can use existing devices in your organization, such as smartphones, mobile tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
Note that the installation time can depend on the size of the firm. Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) might enjoy their new virtual phone systems in less than an hour. But, large corporations may need to allot more than a few hours for the correct installation of the system.
By the time the installation finishes, you can now use the many features provided by virtual phone systems. You might even want to learn how to leave a voicemail without calling with these communication structures.
4. Exude Business Presence Locally
A business’s existence might not be worthwhile if no one knows it exists. Marketing campaigns can help promote brands, but these operations can still end up as failures.
Enhance your brand’s presence by installing a virtual phone system as part of your company’s operations. Your marketing team can use the VoIP connection to establish a local presence, even if your firm isn’t present in a particular region.
Use a local virtual number based on a particular location to add a more personalized feel when communicating with existing and potential clientele. For example, if you want to cover the Australian market all you need is an Australian virtual number, and you are set to go. Callers can also appreciate calling a local phone number as opposed to dialing a long-distance number.
5. Call Screening
Has a telemarketer disturbed you in the middle of a meeting or critical task? Screening calls might be impossible with a conventional landline telephone system. Conversely, several virtual phone systems have call screening features to block or redirect calls when needed.
You can also use features, such as the “Find Me” option, to ensure that all crucial calls route to your chosen device. This feature allows you to remain accessible to colleagues, customers, and shareholders, regardless of your current location.
If you want to learn more about this feature and other similar functionalities, check out the following video:
6. Business Scalability
It’s safe to say that a majority of businesses aim for growth. Staying in a specific business size category can be advantageous for you, but don’t forget to strive for more significant goals, such as becoming the number one brand in the globe in your niche.
If you’re aiming for business growth, you need to ensure that all staff members gain a convenient communication platform. Adding a new landline telephone for each new hire may become extra expenses that would hinder the speed at which your organization achieves growth.
Virtual phone systems are excellent alternatives in this regard. These platforms are scalable, which means that these systems grow as companies expand. Moreover, you don’t need to invest in extra extensions as trusted service providers can offer unlimited extensions for businesses. You only need to add an account to the roster, and the new employee can start using the phone system immediately.
7. Consistency and Customer Convenience
Gone are the days when consumers need to memorize the extension numbers of key personnel for proper communication. Today, customers can reach specific employees, departments, or teams by using virtual phone numbers.
Virtual phone systems provide customer convenience to reduce holding times and numerous transfers in a single call. These communication platforms allow businesses to show value for their clients, increasing customer satisfaction in return.
Moreover, consider implementing a toll-free virtual phone number for your customers. That way, interested and existing consumers won’t need to pay extra cash to reach your business’s customer service hotline.
8. An Auto Attendant
Virtual phone system providers allow users to take advantage of a feature called the auto attendant. This AI replaces a full-time human receptionist while still letting your company receive and screen calls.
The auto attendant also brings other essential features to the table, such as using a pre-recorded message to greet callers enthusiastically. Human interaction can still play a critical role in providing excellent customer service, but you can’t have complete control over a human receptionist’s emotions.
For example, an angry customer starts spewing cusses the moment the receptionist picks up the phone. Perhaps, that specific employee can’t handle the outrageous behavior presented by the consumer. So, the receptionist starts to lose focus, begins to stutter, and makes the customer even more agitated than before.
If the auto attendant answers the phone, the annoyed customer won’t be able to shout their complaints upon reaching your company. Instead, that individual can take a deep breath, recollect thoughts, and think about the upcoming conversation. In turn, the chances of your staff member receiving harsh words lessen once that person reaches one of your company’s representatives.
9. Security and Report Handling
Virtual numbers can come with security features to protect your company’s several assets. Use features, like call logging, to ensure that you can trace calls for critical scenarios. These virtual systems may also allow you to record phone calls to ensure that your firm has the information required to rebut specific cases.
For example, one client calls after they were not able to receive the product from your company after paying for it online. Upon careful checking, you find out that a recording of a previous call exists, saying that the same customer already received it.
That being said, you can contest the information provided by the customer, protecting your company’s funds as you won’t need to send a replacement item. Even if the consumer starts spouting harsh languages to your representative, you have the evidence to disapprove of the unjust claims.
10. Achieve Business Growth with a Virtual Phone System
Virtual phone systems can deliver several advantages for startups, SMEs, and large corporations. Use features, like call screening, voicemail, and auto attendant. Enjoy the scalability, flexibility, and versatility of using virtual phone numbers as your organization grows. Ensure that you gain these services from reliable providers to acquire excellent value for your money.

Want to Achieve Excellence in Digital Transformation?
Gain the knowledge and develop the expertise to become an expert in Digital Transformation. Our frameworks are based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. Click here for full details.
Digital Transformation is being embraced by organizations of all sizes across most industries. In the Digital Age today, technology creates new opportunities and fundamentally transforms businesses in all aspects—operations, business models, strategies. It not only enables the business, but also drives its growth and can be a source of Competitive Advantage.
For many industries, COVID-19 has accelerated the timeline for Digital Transformation Programs by multiple years. Digital Transformation has become a necessity. Now, to survive in the Low Touch Economy—characterized by social distancing and a minimization of in-person activities—organizations must go digital. This includes offering digital solutions for both employees (e.g. Remote Work, Virtual Teams, Enterprise Cloud, etc.) and customers (e.g. E-commerce, Social Media, Mobile Apps, etc.).
Learn about our Digital Transformation Best Practice Frameworks here.
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About Shane Avron
Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.Top 10 Recommended Documents on Digital Transformation
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