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5 Common Resume Mistakes and How to Fix Your Resume Fast

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Fiaccabrino Selection Process (44-slide PowerPoint presentation). The Fiaccabrino Selection Process is a powerful methodology for interviewing and screening the best people for your organization. The objective is to select those people who will be the highest performers with the lowest turnover. (Whereas the methodology was originally developed for a sales [read more]

Also, if you are interested in becoming an expert on Human Resource Management (HRM), take a look at Flevy's Human Resource Management (HRM) Frameworks offering here. This is a curated collection of best practice frameworks based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. By learning and applying these concepts, you can you stay ahead of the curve. Full details here.

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Like most job seekers, you’ve probably had to make numerous changes to your resume over the years. You may have gone through several different jobs and even changed careers, but one thing has stayed the same: your resume.

Recruiting teams and hiring managers are bombarded with resumes daily that they can barely keep up with them. If you aren’t getting called back or being considered for an interview, it may be because of a simple mistake in your resume. In that case, you might be wasting time and money by sending out that same resume again and again.

Here are five recurring common resume mistakes and how to fix them.

1. Not Using Your Target Job Title

Your target job title is a critical element of your resume. It should describe what you do and for whom you do it. If you don’t have a clear idea of your target position, your resume will be difficult to read and understand.

The first thing to do when creating a resume is to find the target job title and have an idea of what the role will require of you. Employers have different expectations, and you can’t beat the odds if you don’t understand what they are looking for as an applicant.

2. Including Too Much Detail

You don’t need to detail everything about every class or internship you’ve ever taken; instead, focus on what’s most relevant to the position being applied for.  For instance, if you list your freelancing work on your resume, be sure to just list your primary abilities, highlight your successes, and keep the content concise. On the other hand, though, be careful not to over-inform oneself.

If you do not know how much detail to include in your resume, it’s best to ask a professional for help or build your resume here.

3. Not Making a Strong Summary Section

A summary section is vital to your resume. It should be the shortest section of your resume, and it should be focused on one thing. For example, you can summarize your skills and experience and include any accomplishments relevant to that one skill set.

While a summary may seem like a minor detail, it’s essential. A good summary section shows the hiring manager that you know what they’re looking for and can use that to your advantage during the interview process.

If you’re unsure what to say in your summary, simply list the key points of your story. For example:

  • Why did you leave your previous employment?
  • What are your goals for the next three years?
  • How will you achieve these goals?

You can check out this template if you have a problem structuring your resume correctly.

4. Not Having a Clear Objective

Your resume will be difficult to read if you don’t have a clear career objective. Therefore, you should clearly state your purpose for applying for the job, which may be as simple as “I want to work here” or “I am looking for a challenging new job.” 

You should clearly state your objectives, as it will help the hiring manager better understand why they should hire you over other candidates applying for the same position.

5. You Don’t Have an Action Plan

It is essential to include an action plan in your resume that describes what kind of skills and experience you have that will help you accomplish your goals at this new job opportunity. Think about what skills and abilities would make you successful in this role and list them under the skills section on your resume. 

Then, explain how these skills align with what is needed for success in this position (e.g., leadership/teamwork). If there isn’t any direct relevance between what you know now and what is needed for success in this role, consider finding projects or experiences where these two areas align.

Always Look Out for Resume Mistakes and Correct Them

Resume mistakes are more than typos and misspellings; they’re potentially fatal to job searches. Therefore, your resume needs to be in good shape when meeting potential employers. If you have these mistakes, try fixing them as soon as possible by addressing them. Don’t let these mistakes put you at a disadvantage!

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Want to Achieve Excellence in Human Resource Management (HRM)?

Gain the knowledge and develop the expertise to become an expert in Human Resource Management (HRM). Our frameworks are based on the thought leadership of leading consulting firms, academics, and recognized subject matter experts. Click here for full details.

The purpose of Human Resources (HR) is to ensure our organization achieves success through our people. Without the right people in place—at all levels of the organization—we will never be able to execute our Strategy effectively.

This begs the question: Does your organization view HR as a support function or a strategic one? Research shows leading organizations leverage HR as a strategic function, one that both supports and drives the organization's Strategy. In fact, having strong HRM capabilities is a source of Competitive Advantage.

This has never been more true than right now in the Digital Age, as organizations must compete for specialized talent to drive forward their Digital Transformation Strategies. Beyond just hiring and selection, HR also plays the critical role in retaining talent—by keeping people engaged, motivated, and happy.

Learn about our Human Resource Management (HRM) Best Practice Frameworks here.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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