Achieve Excellence in
"If you don't transform your company, you're stuck." - Ursula Burns, Chairperson and CEO of VEON; former Chairperson and CEO of Xerox
Business Transformation
A bundle of 30 presentations with over 670+ slides
There are 30 best practice frameworks included. These are also available to be purchased individually from the Flevy Marketplace or to subscribers of FlevyPro. Click on the framework for full details (opens in new window).
What documents are included in my subscription?
At this time, only the 30 documents listed above are included in this FlevyPro Stream subscription. Throughout the year, we will continue to develop and add more Business Transformation frameworks to your subscription. |
Can I modify the content and re-brand presentation?
Yes. You are free to modify and customize these presentations to meet your needs. This even includes replacing the FlevyPro logo with that of your own organization. | |
Can I can cancel at any time?
Yes. You can cancel your subscription at any time. After cancellation, your FlevyPro Stream subscription to Business Transformation will remain active until the end of the current annual billing period. |
If I cancel, can I still use these frameworks?
No, your license only allows you usage of these frameworks during your subscription period. To continue using the materials year-after-year, you will need to main an active FlevyPro Stream subscription. |
The Flevy Marketplace contains thousands of best practice documents (business frameworks, presentation templates, financial models, and other tools) developed by independent authors. Most authors are seasoned executives and management consultants with 20+ years of experience. Learn more about Flevy here.
Each FlevyPro Stream gives you unlimited access to a specific management topic. See additional Streams below. View all available Streams here.
What is FlevyPro?
FlevyPro is our subscription service to best practice frameworks and tools. As a FlevyPro subscriber, you receive limited monthly downloads from the complete FlevyPro Library.
FlevyPro is ideal for business owners, corporate-level executives, and generalist management consultants who engage in a variety of management topics.
Each FlevyPro Stream represents a subscription to a specific functional topic (e.g. Business Transformation). Whereas traditional FlevyPro provides access to all subject matter, this offering is focused on 1 area of expertise.
More importantly, you receive unlimited downloads from day 1, instead of a limited number of downloads each month (as is the case with the traditional FlevyPro subscription).
FlevyPro Streams are ideal for executives, consultants, and other business professionals who specialize in specific disciplines and desire to achieve Excellence in their fields.
Peruse our collection of 500+ management toolkits, each comprised of best practices frameworks and tools available on the Flevy Marketplace.
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Download our FREE Strategy & Transformation Framework Templates
Download our free compilation of 50+ Strategy & Transformation slides and templates. Frameworks include McKinsey 7-S Strategy Model, Balanced Scorecard, Disruptive Innovation, BCG Experience Curve, and many more. |