Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Maintaining Energy-to-Change (21-slide PowerPoint presentation). Business Transformations can be seen globally. Business ecosystems--customers' requirements, innovation, competitive dynamics, laws, etc.--are perpetually shifting. Organizations must adjust their course frequently in line with the changing ecosystems to succeed in the long run. There are times [read more]
Positive Energy Networks
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Organizations thrive based on the energy levels coursing through their teams. High-energy initiatives are synonymous with enthusiasm, collaboration, and productivity, where influential figures—referred to as “Energizers”—drive projects forward, infusing others with zeal.
On the other hand, “De-energizers” suck the life out of teams, creating environments filled with dread and low morale. Understanding and managing this energy within social networks can be the difference between success and stagnation. This is where Social Network Analysis (SNA) comes into play.
The SNA framework, developed through comprehensive empirical research, dives into the mechanics of energy creation within social networks. Researchers at institutions like the University of Virginia and the University of Michigan analyzed seven large networks across various industries. Their findings identified critical dynamics that influence whether a social network will be vibrant and full of energy or a black hole of disengagement.
Why Social Network Analysis Matters
Harnessing the power of SNA allows organizations to map out the energy flows within their teams, revealing both strengths and areas that require intervention. By regularly conducting SNA, leadership can identify key Energizers, understand how energy influences performance, and uncover the processes related to energy creation and depletion. This ongoing monitoring is crucial for maintaining a positive and engaged workplace.
Applying the SNA framework, leaders can identify which conversations within their teams are creating a compelling vision, allowing meaningful contributions, fully engaging participants, driving ideas forward, and instilling hope. By fostering these positive interactions, organizations can ensure that their teams remain energized and productive. In practice, SNA offers a lens through which leaders can better understand the social dynamics at play.
Group Energy Mapping
The concept of group energy mapping within SNA involves examining the day-to-day interactions of target groups to understand how relationships impact the energy of individuals, groups, and the organization overall. Research from MIT Sloan found that individuals who occupy central positions within positive energy networks tend to outperform their peers in productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction. By identifying key energizers and de-energizers within a group, leaders can tailor interventions to enhance cooperation and collaboration, thus improving overall performance.
On the basis of Social Network Analysis and Group Energy Mapping, organizations can unlock 5 key dynamics, each representing a different aspect of social interaction that either energizes or drains the network:
- Conversations That Create a Compelling Vision
- Conversations That Allow People to Have Meaningful Contributions
- Conversations That Fully Engage Participants
- Conversations That Drive Ideas and Projects Forward
- Conversations That Instill Hope in People
By focusing on these dynamics, leaders can systematically enhance the energy within their teams, leading to improved morale, creativity, and overall performance. Let’s take a closer look at the first two dynamics for now.
Conversations That Create a Compelling Vision
The ability to envision an achievable future is what sets Energizers apart. These individuals aren’t just dreamers; they craft realistic, inspiring visions that align team efforts toward common goals. They avoid focusing on obstacles, which can demoralize the team, and instead highlight solutions and successes.
This approach naturally attracts and motivates colleagues, making the Energizer a catalyst for progress. On the flip side, De-energizers focus on hurdles, which stifles creativity and dampens group morale, causing the vision to seem like an unattainable fantasy rather than a motivating force.
Conversations That Allow People to Have Meaningful Contributions
Energizers excel in creating environments where everyone feels their voice matters. They listen, respect diverse viewpoints, and remain open to changing their own opinions when presented with compelling arguments. This dynamic fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging, which in turn boosts employee engagement and creativity.
De-energizers, however, tend to monopolize discussions….
Interested in learning more about the other dynamics of the Positive Energy Networks? You can download an editable PowerPoint presentation on Positive Energy Networks here on the Flevy documents marketplace.
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About Mark Bridges
Mark Bridges is a Senior Director of Strategy at Flevy. Flevy is your go-to resource for best practices in business management, covering management topics from Strategic Planning to Operational Excellence to Digital Transformation (view full list here). Learn how the Fortune 100 and global consulting firms do it. Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by leveraging Flevy's library of best practice methodologies and templates. Prior to Flevy, Mark worked as an Associate at McKinsey & Co. and holds an MBA from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. You can connect with Mark on LinkedIn here.Top 3 Recommended Documents on Organizational Energy
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