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Maximizing the Impact, Effectiveness, and Efficiency of Your Board

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Value-Driven Boards - Frameworks, Models and Tools (53-slide PowerPoint presentation). Boards often focus their most of their time and efforts on activities related to regulatory compliance and risk oversight, which helps preserve existing shareholder value. Increasingly, however, shareholders expect CEOs and boards to spend more time on long-term value creation activities. This [read more]

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In today’s business world, major companies and corporations utilize boards to oversee the success and failures of their practices.

Despite how the media portrays them, corporate boards have begun to lack the ability to control risk and provide solutions to their businesses.

The result of these failures comes from bad business decisions and, more often than not, involves an uncooperative team.

Is there any way to improve the quality and effectiveness of corporate boards without the exhaustion of time and effort?

This article will help find the best tips and practices to maximize the impact and effectiveness of your board.

Why Should You Improve Your Board?

As your company continues to grow, so will the supervisors and board members that run it.

Traditional corporate boards did more than set up votes for business decisions. Boards had a responsibility to provide feedback to the organization.

Board members who were passionate about the company and engaged with the community had the title.

Nowadays, modern boards forget about traditional values and take shortcuts to focus on the necessary info. Board meetings don’t cover all aspects of the company and don’t find ways to improve.

There is also no sense of teamwork within a board. Without any cooperation, members make it difficult to reach conclusions with their entitled opinions.

It’s becoming harder and harder to find board placement services that meet expectations of how they should handle their responsibilities.

How Can You Maximize Impact, Effectiveness, and Efficiency with Your Board?

Numerous factors contribute to board effectiveness. Similar to a ring of pillars, a short column can ruin the entire symmetry.

Here are some tips to improve the efficiency of your board and its members.


It is common for board members to get into disagreements about topics and discussions. Everyone feels they’re right on some level and holds onto their opinions with an iron fist.

Communication and teamwork are essential traits to have for any group. It grows from years of experience between members who know each other and have worked in the same room.

A functioning board should be able to work through roadblocks without a fight erupting. Members should practice proper etiquette for discussions and be clear on their issues and solutions.

Everyone should prioritize the company’s values first. Following the same rules and guidelines helps keep the members on the same page.


Board members should always have sources to see how the company is running. Internal and external information helps all parties know about the financial state and how to act accordingly.

Traditionally, board meetings were the concrete source of feedback for corporations. Each member would be responsible for reporting key issues, executive summaries, and other information regarding the company.

These days, social media influence is an external factor of information. The world connects through online networks and stays informed on relevant news.

The Corporate board should take advantage of this media and connect more with their target audience. Understanding the market helps the company evolve and remain relevant in the public’s eyes.

Consider board members who have a background in social marketing and influence the rising generation.

Appointed Leadership

One of the best ways to maintain the effectiveness of a board is through an acknowledged leader.

All corporate boards should have an independent board leader who reflects the values and policies of the company. The director has the competitive drive and ambition to steer the business in the right direction.

The board leader is responsible for controlling the group and making sure that all protocols and follow-ups stay in the discussion.

Board members should hold high respect for the board leader. If there’s no sense of order and the leader can’t remain neutral to company decisions, the entire group is bound to fall apart.


Routine evaluations are essential to all board groups. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of a group helps members see where the problems lie.

Many boards use questionnaires for their yearly assessment tests to gauge the quality of the members and the group as a whole. The method is standard and covers the basic questions but doesn’t go deep.

If the evaluations don’t improve efficient results within the company, the group should scout for different methods.

Team meetings and interviews are an alternative way for fresh feedback. These assessments improve the dynamic between group members and gather accurate information about the company’s overall performance.

Board Recruiting Firms

You can rely on board placement services to help find the perfect candidates for your corporate board.

This platform allows companies to assess and recruit board members who have experience working in high-class business groups.

The process is cost-efficient and saves the company time from recruitment and interviews. Through this line of networking, elite CEOs and board members can stay in touch and explore options.


Finding a professional group dynamic is difficult, but not impossible.

Developing a board requires amiable group members and discussions that strengthen the company. Searching for the proper candidates through corporate board services also helps.

Having an effective board group will improve the company for years to come.

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For even more best practices available on Flevy, have a look at our top 100 lists:

These best practices are of the same as those leveraged by top-tier management consulting firms, like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, and Accenture. Improve the growth and efficiency of your organization by utilizing these best practice frameworks, templates, and tools. Most were developed by seasoned executives and consultants with over 20+ years of experience.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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