WordPress development unfortunately ranges from the amateur selling themselves as a developer to true developers. It can be hard for businesses to tell the true developers from the amateurs. However, there are steps you can take to simplify WordPress development and ensure the job is done right. Here are a few tips on how to […]
About Shane Avron
Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.Author Archive | Shane Avron
Four Ways to Team Build During the Office Christmas Party
It’s that time of year once again where the holidays are upon us and it’s time for that year-end office Christmas party. Office Christmas parties are notorious for giving employees a chance to relax after a year of hard work, celebrate the season, and look forward to the year ahead. While this is all wonderful […]
Improving Leadership and Statistical Usage in the Healthcare Profession
It’s always said that the healthcare professional is usually in a state of crisis. Often, the reason is a lack of nursing staff, which is the same reason that has been bandied about for decades. However, with the advent of so many baby boomers getting to pensionable age over the next fifteen years, clinics, hospitals, […]
5 Reasons Why Your Business Could Benefit from a Company Brochure
There is a misconception among businesses owners that print marketing materials are obsolete. To a certain extent, print has been superseded by digital marketing, but print magazines are not yet consigned to the dustbin of history. There is still a market for printed materials and print brochures definitely have a place in any marketing campaign. […]
4 Keys to Help You Reach Your Sales Goals
If you want to “always be closing” like the characters in “Glengarry Glen Ross,” you need to always be learning. You can grow your sales numbers exponentially if you have a firm commitment to improving your sales technique and strategies by learning new approaches to gain market share. Having the desire to improve beyond your […]
Why Your Business Needs a Mobile CRM Strategy
You probably already know what a CRM system is, but you are probably wondering why it is important to take it mobile. Having a mobile CRM strategy allows connecting a sales team to customer data through a mobile CRM application. A key benefit of using a mobile CRM is that it allows a sales force […]
[Infographic] 10 Marketing Lessons from Apple
Why is Apple such a pervasive brand? If they had a secret recipe for how they do their marketing, wouldn’t you like to be a fly on that boardroom wall? Well, fortunately for you and me, Apple isn’t exactly secretive about their marketing strategies. These strategies are present for all to see, and if we […]
Storytelling: A Way to Develop a Strong Relationship with (Potential) Customers
The solutions and hotel technologies we offer here at ALICE are geared towards streamlining the customers’ experience when interacting with your business. Maintaining a positive customer experience is a very important objective to focus on in today’s competitive market, which is why solutions such as ALICE Guest have been very effective in tackling today’s challenges. […]
What Is eToro and How Can You Use It?
You may have seen the eToro advertisements floating around the internet. eToro is one of the most popular stock trading market websites in the world, but with a slight twist. Everyone knows eToro is related to the stock markets, but what does the site really provide and how can you use it? eToro Is a […]
3 Ways Business Owners Can Boost Sales and Morale
As a business owner, you are proud of your product line, your fair pricing and your outstanding customer service. But despite all of these positives, you have noticed a definite recent slump in sales. If this sounds familiar, it is imperative to look at what might be causing the decline and how to fix it. […]
How to Use Story Telling in Business
Giving presentations may be part of your job description, and you may be well practiced, but for many people, having to present can cause sleepless nights. Humans are hard-wired to listen to stories, and so you need to remember this when you are preparing your presentation; humans survived the cruelty of evolution because of storytelling, […]
How to Manage Your Employees More Effectively
Are you struggling to manage the people who work in your organisation? Every year, millions of pounds and countless man-hours are wasted, because the management teams in many businesses are not able to manage their employees properly. This is a situation that you can rectify. It takes time, but by following the steps below, you […]