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The Real Wealth!

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Pitch Yourself - Next-Level CV PowerPoint (38-slide PowerPoint presentation). Elevate your job application game with our "Pitch Yourself" Next-Level CV PowerPoint Template, designed to showcase your professional experience with clarity and style. Crafted for impactful presentations, this template not only includes stunning layouts but also provides a unique [read more]

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Real wealth is when you are so expensive that no one can buy your character.

wealthFinancial prosperity has become the focus of most people nowadays. Wealth is measured on the basis of tangible assets we possess. People consciously or not feel more challenged  than any time before to seek better opportunities, a better salary or promotion, the most luxurious home, and the fanciest car… This issue, in reality, has become more than a challenge but a constant stress. If only it stems from a personal need for self-fulfillment and growth. Most often, it is derived from our perceptions regarding society and our surroundings, from our need to ensure social recognition, and professional integration. Obviously, this does not deny the importance of being financially comfortable, but it should not SIMPLY be our main daily FOCUS.

Financial comfort is not the only way we can achieve wealth as the real wealth can be reached in a variety of forms.

Wealth, as defined by Wikipedia, is the abundance of valuable resources or valuable material possessions. ‘Wealth’ refers to some accumulation of resources (net asset value), whether abundant or not. ‘Richness’ refers to an abundance of such resources (income or flow). A wealthy individual, community, or nation thus has more accumulated resources (capital) than a poor one.

My goal in this article is not to contradict Wikipedia. It’s true that I was expecting different categories of definitions, but all of them are strictly related to measurable possessions. This definition may be true for a simple reason: it reflects perfectly our reality. Most of us are focused on materials, possessions, and financial independence.

Fortunately, the real wealth is far limited to material possessions. How many celebrities have abundance in terms of wealth, but have never experienced true happiness and peace. How many of you have great salaries, but don’t’ have time to enjoy them? How many of you have enough time and money, but you don’t know how to make your life enjoyable. How many of you have limited resources, but you feel grateful everyday for the inner peace?

My humble experience taught me to value every single thing in life even hardship. Our wealth or richness is not defined by how much we have, but how we feel about ourselves and how we react to different experiences in our life.

The real wealth can embrace your life in different forms:

  1. Being healthy: is the best asset ever you may have. Being healthy makes us also wealthy and wise. Don’t wait for being unhealthy to start to value the wealth you already have.  The greatest wealth is health. He who has health has hope. He who has hope has everything! Arabian proverb.                           

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rhon

  1. Acceptance of one’s imperfection: People need first to be aware of their imperfections to accept them. Many people, because of lack of acceptance, may go through depression, pain, and frustration. Ernest Hemingway, Sylvia plath, William Holden, Janis Joplin and many others, despite their financial prosperity, could not maintain a healthy life because of non acceptance of their imperfections. They made end to their lives because they had never experienced true happiness. Acceptance can save you from doubt, fear and depression. Without acceptance, your financial wealth will have no meaning, and useless.

“Positive thinking isn’t about expecting the best to happen very time, it is about accepting that whatever happens is the best for that moment.” – Picturequotes.com

  1. Willingness to learn, and change: this aspect may be viewed by many people as non significant while it is the only way to keep moving forward in your life unless moving backward is more beneficial to you. Change and improvement will create more value in your life; the more valuable you are, the wealthier you will be. Once wealth is achieved from inside, financial prosperity will follow and comes to you naturally.

“Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.” Jim Rohn

  1. The art of giving: when you are giving from your time or your money, you are enhancing your inner wealth, and your self-esteem. You are creating great positive energy that will empower you to give more and feel better about yourself.  The more you give, the more you get. What you get may not be tangible, but the intangible is what counts. It may be a peaceful life, more acceptance of your difficulties, healthy children around you or simply a life without pain… Have you ever helped someone in need or in difficulty? How did you feel about it? Save that feeling!
  1. Forgiveness: it may not be noticeable to many of us, but forgiveness is not only another form of wealth, but the most important attribute we may have and nurture. How many of you have everything you need, but unable to let it go. Being surrounded by nice people or friends is priceless. If you cannot forgive others, don’t expect others to forgive you. Forgiveness can save you from frustration, grudge, and anger. It will allow you to enjoy other aspects about your life, without which you will remain stuck in negative thinking and will never step forward.

“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it is does enlarge the future.” Paul Boese

The list is not limited as you may have your own list that contributes to your inner wealth! Things won’t get better in your life until you enhance your vision. Be positive, have patience, and keep moving forward. Consider financial comfort as a mean and not as an objective in your life!

50-slide PowerPoint presentation
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Framework & Diagram Contents : 1. Be Proactive 2. Begin with the End in Mind 3. Put First Things First 4. Think Win-Win 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 6. Synergize 7. Sharpen the Saw That's where the seven habits of highly [read more]

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About Hanane Anoua

Based in Morocco, Hanane Anoua is a certified life and executive coach, mentor, entrepreneur, and passionate writer with more than 13 years of professional experience. You can connect with Hanane on LinkedIn here.

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