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How Important Are Reviews for Growth in Ecommerce Businesses?

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, E-Commerce Value Chain (33-slide PowerPoint presentation). An Industry Value Chain is a visual representation of the series of steps an organization in a specific industry takes to deliver a product or service to the market. It captures the main business functions and processes that are involved in delivering the end product or service, illustrating how [read more]

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One of the key determiners of business success is customer experience and satisfaction. The best way to assess customer satisfaction is through customer feedback. For an online business, online customer reviews are critical for growth, which is why you should never ignore them.

According to statistics, 90% of customers check online reviews before buying a product. In the digital age where information travels fast through the internet, it is essential to invest in customer feedback as reviews can make or break your business. To give you a clear picture, below are some of the benefits that make reviews essential for the growth of your eCommerce business. 

1. Increased Sales

Social proof instills confidence in potential buyers, thereby influencing purchasing decisions. Positive reviews provide social proof that someone bought your product or used your services and loved the experience. By sharing their experiences, more people get inspired to do business with you with the anticipation of getting similar satisfaction as those who already used them.

By influencing purchasing decisions in your favor, reviews get more people to buy your products, leading to more sales. Also, since most customers only want to invest in businesses that guarantee value for money and customer satisfaction, more positive reviews will earn you more clients.  More customers mean more revenue, thereby contributing to the growth of your eCommerce business.

2. Online Visibility

In the age of digital marketing, online visibility is key to attracting more traffic and potential leads for conversions.  Reviews play a significant role in enhancing your SEO and boosting your online visibility. When users review your products, they use specific keywords associated with them regardless of whether the review is negative or positive. The keyword pattern helps search engines rank the page, making it more accessible to online searchers.

To maximize these benefits, actively request Google reviews from your customers. Encouraging satisfied clients to leave reviews can help you gather more positive feedback, which in turn boosts your visibility and credibility on search engines.

Also, higher ratings make your products and business stand out in online searches, leading to more people clicking on them. You can format your reviews into SEO-friendly snippets that make them identifiable by search engines like Google or incorporate positive reviews into your product descriptions for better visibility. The more visible your products are online, the more leads and conversions you get leading to business growth.

3. Insights for Business Decision-Making

One of the most significant benefits of reviews for any business is the insights they provide. When submitting reviews, customers usually mention what they liked or disliked about a product or service. Some of the comments may cover product quality, delivery time, and even customer service. You can use customer feedback to understand your business strengths and weaknesses and make intelligent business decisions.

While positive feedback shows what your business is doing right, negative feedback points to your weaknesses and may also tell why you lose customers to your competitors. With such crucial data, you can adjust your approach to eCommerce to ensure you provide higher quality products and meet your customer’s needs. Doing so will results in customer satisfaction, attract more clients, and give you a competitive edge in the online marketplace.

4. Credibility and Customer Trust

Given the many eCommerce websites available online, it can be challenging to know who to trust. Reviews help build brand credibility as they depict your business as offering quality and reliable products and services.  While positive reviews are great for building trust in potential clients, no reviews or zero negative feedback may be suspicious. Online reviews show that people are buying from your business which puts a stamp on its credibility.

Also, businesses require customer loyalty to thrive. Reviews allow you to engage with your customers, listen to them and show them that you care about their needs.  By engaging your customers through reviews and taking action to address their concerns, you make them feel that you have their best interests at heart. Doing so fosters better relationships and customer loyalty.

5. It’s a Form of Marketing

Marketing your products on the internet is one way to meet your business’ marketing goals. The best people who know about your products and can market them effectively are your customers. Reviews do a great job selling your products as customers are more likely to share feedback with friends and social circles on social media platforms. The reviews spark conversations about your products, and positive reviews act as endorsements.

You can think of reviews as a virtual version of word-of-mouth marketing which increases brand and product visibility online. With a large number of social media users, reviews shared by few customers can travel to thousands of users online. By encouraging reviews and feedback, your clients sell your products freely. Doing so creates positive branding and helping your eCommerce business grow.

If you run an online business, learning how to get Google reviews is the first step towards getting the best out of them. You can then use customer feedback to improve customer experience, attract more positive reviews and stimulate long-term business growth.

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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