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What Data Analysis Contributes to Your Business Growth

Editor's Note: Take a look at our featured best practice, Moving from Data to Insights (26-slide PowerPoint presentation). Insights are arguably the most important component of a management consulting project. Insights answer the critical question from clients--"so what?" An insight offers a new perspective on an existing issue, situation, or problem. This presentation defines and teaches how to recognize an [read more]

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Data analysis is one of the most powerful tools you can use for your business. Analyzing data helps your business identify areas for improvement, discover new growth opportunities, and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.

More businesses are embracing data analysis tools for their many benefits, including saving time and improving productivity.

According to MicroStrategy, 60 percent of companies worldwide utilize data to drive process and cost-efficiency. Yet, for the skeptics, the steep learning curve is a barrier.

However, the immense benefits of data analysis are too compelling to ignore – which is why we created this guide to help you understand how data analysis can contribute to your business growth.

Let’s get started!

What is Data Analysis for a Business?

Data analysis involves gathering and analyzing large amounts of data to uncover patterns or trends that can be acted upon to improve business performance.

Data can be analyzed to identify ways to improve efficiency, increase sales revenue or improve customer service. It also allows businesses to analyze their customer’s behavior to personalize their experience better.

By analyzing user data from your website or app, you can gain valuable insights, such as where your customers are and what device they use to access your site.

The data analytics market is forecast to increase by almost 30 percent yearly between now and 2025. Revenue increased from 15 billion to over 68 billion U.S. dollars in 2019.

This points to increasing demand by businesses for analytics tools that can help them uncover insights to improve their operations and increase profitability. As a result, companies that want to remain competitive will increasingly rely on data and analytics to make smarter decisions.

Ways Data Analysis Contributes to Your Business Growth

1. Understanding Customer Behavior

For any business to be successful, it is essential to understand what its customers are thinking and their journey towards making a purchase or requesting services from them.

This is achieved through data analytics: collecting and analyzing customer data such as location, demographics, social media activity, and more can help you understand your customers’ behaviors so you can personalize their experience and provide them with what they want and need.

For example, if you notice that customers spend a long time on your website reading your content but leave without making a purchase, you can optimize your website to include more calls to action to direct them to make a purchase.

Or, if you notice that users primarily access your website on their mobile devices, you can make the buying process simpler for them by adding an easy mobile checkout process. These simple changes can increase sales conversions and help grow your business faster.

2. Help Your Teams Measure Success by Setting Specific Goals and KPIs

Teams with clearly defined goals can quickly create purpose-built data assets, like interactive visualizations, to monitor key business processes and make informed decisions.

With proper planning and management in place, teams can gather the correct data from across the organization and analyze it promptly to make data-driven decisions.

In addition, KPI dashboards can help your teams track their progress towards achieving their goals at a glance so they can quickly identify areas that need improvement and adjust their strategy accordingly.

For instance, if your sales team is not meeting its targets, your dashboard can alert you to this so you can investigate why your team is not performing well and take corrective actions.

Let’s say you have trouble generating enough leads for your marketing department. You can then review your lead generation metrics to learn where the problem is coming from and adjust accordingly to increase your lead count. You can make better business decisions if you have a clear view of your data.

As part of your data strategy, you should set specific goals and KPIs for teams and departments to track their progress towards meeting those goals.

You can then measure how successfully each department achieves its goals and pinpoint gaps between what’s expected and what’s delivered. Investing in training like Excel courses for data analysis can improve the data analytics skills of your team.

3. Understand Your Competition

Businesses can use their data to understand their competitors’ performance and identify potential growth areas.

Analyzing and comparing your competitors’ data with your business data can be an effective strategy for uncovering opportunities and identifying growth opportunities.

For example, your competitor’s website receives as many visitors as yours, but you aren’t converting them into customers.

You can analyze their site to discover what they are doing differently from what you are doing on their website, which drives more traffic to theirs.

Then you can use this information to develop your strategy to boost traffic and improve your conversion rate.

Another use for competitor analysis is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors so you can improve your products/services to match those strengths while addressing their weaknesses.

You can also use this data to determine market trends and monitor your competitors’ activities, so you can take timely action to stay ahead of them.

4. Help You Improve Your Products or Services

Analytics allows you to test and measure the performance of your products/services before releasing them to the market.

Through data analysis, you can:

  • Analyze user behavior across websites and apps to improve your products/services based on customer preferences and feedback,
  • Improve conversion rates by analyzing visitor-to-customer conversion rates through A/B testing,
  • And Identify product/service trends to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty Increase sales by identifying which products or offers perform best with your customers or prospective customers.

For example, if you notice product sales declining, you can review your sales data to determine why customers purchase more products from your competitors. You can then use this information to develop a viable strategy to increase sales of this product or service.

5. Improve Operations and Processes

Data analytics enables you to improve operations by optimizing processes across the organization and increasing efficiency. It also helps you automate manual processes and reduce errors to improve operational efficiency.

Through data analysis, you can: Analyze historical data to identify trends and patterns that can be used to anticipate future needs,

Automate manual processes to reduce errors and increase efficiency, And Manage resources more effectively by identifying peak periods when additional staff is needed.

Using data analytics can help you streamline your organization’s operations and reduce costs by automating manual processes and identifying weak areas so you can address them promptly.

Now that you know how to use data analytics to drive business growth, you can start implementing these strategies in your business today!

26-slide PowerPoint presentation
After we have formulated our hypothesis, the next step is to gather the proper data (to analyze to test this hypothesis). It is important to have a structured approach to both data gathering and data analysis. This presentation introduces a 7-phase approach to data collection and analysis. [read more]

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About Shane Avron

Shane Avron is a freelance writer, specializing in business, general management, enterprise software, and digital technologies. In addition to Flevy, Shane's articles have appeared in Huffington Post, Forbes Magazine, among other business journals.

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