What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
What product attributes drive rapid market diffusion and consumer adoption? Tough question.
But, good thing we have the Rogers’ Five Factors framework. Credit goes to Everett Rogers, who also created the Consumer Adoption Curve.
Rogers’ Five Factors proposes there are 5 product-based factors that drive adoption.
Relative Advantage. This is the degree to which our new product is better than the incumbent. This advantage can be non-economic (e.g. social status, prestige). The greater the relative advantage, the faster the adoption.
Compatibility. This factor accounts for the degree to which our product is consistent with the customers’ existing values and experiences. The greater the compatibility, the faster the adoption.
Complexity. This is the degree to which our product is difficult to understand and use. The primary way to overcome complexity is education, but it is important to assess how willing the customer is to be educated. The greater the complexity, the slower the adoption.
Trialability. This factor measures the degree to which our product can be experimented with on a limited basis. This factor is most important when our product is in the early stage of its lifecycle–when uncertainty about the product’s benefits are at its highest. The greater the trialability, the faster the adoption.
Observability. This is the degree to which potential customers can see others using our product. For instance, highly observable products include cars and cell phones. Difficult to observe products include medicines and home appliances. Many companies leverage social media marketing–and specifically target “influencers”—to increase their observability factor. The greater the observability, the faster the adoption.
Let’s walk through an example of this analysis. Look at the telephone. Up through the late 2000s, every home had a phone. It’s something we take for granted, something that’s necessary part of our daily lives, something we can’t imagine living without. One would assume it was adopted very quickly. Yet, the reality proves otherwise...
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. By 1900, 25 years later, it would only be found in 10% of the households in the US. By 1935, 60 years after its invention, it could only be found in 30% of households. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the telephone reached 90% of US households.
Why was the adoption rate so exceedingly slow for this wonderful, useful invention?
A look at the Five Factors sheds some light. The Relative Advantage for the phone was low when it was introduced. It was expensive–both installation and ongoing fees were high–and you had few people you could call. It was also highly incompatible with the norms of the time. The idea of speaking into a metal box was foreign and frightening. The technology used in the phone was incredibly Complex and difficult to understand. People wondered, can it transmit diseases? Can I get electrocuted? Does it only speak English? Trialability was low—only the very wealthy and businesses had telephones installed. In fact, in its early years, the only factor the telephone had going for it was Observability, since people could see the telephone wire running into a house.
If you are targeting the right market with the right marketing mix, have a compelling product that fosters adoption, the third essential element to analyze is the customer. What makes the customer tick? Rogers’ Five Factors touched a bit on this already, but let us take a deeper look into Consumer Psychology.
If you have a great product, but the product adoption is poor, it is imperative to understand some key concepts in behavioral economics. Here are three important principles to be cognizant of.
Principle 1. Losses Loom Larger than Gains
Every new product provides perceived gains and losses for the customer. These gains and losses need not be financial. For example, let’s say you are starting an online grocery store for your municipality. With the promise of groceries delivered to the door, the perceived gains could be convenience, time savings, and effort savings. On the other hand, you are altering the way the customer performs a certain process–buying groceries. This change will translate to perceived losses (i.e. financial and non-financial costs), which can include the inability to handpick produce and meat, delivery fees, and having to be home during the delivery window.
When we look at this objectively, online groceries is a clear superior choice. Convenience, time savings, and effort savings are great value propositions, after all.
However, when the customer evaluates options subjectively, it becomes unclear whether online groceries is still the better choice. In fact, it is likely the customer views online grocery shopping as the poorer choice. This is because losses loom larger than gains.
A consumer has an inherent Consumer Bias. This bias weighs a loss three times that of a benefit. To put it another way, the objective value of a gain needs to exceed the objective value of a loss by three times for the customer to perceive the new product as better than the existing.
What's the solution? One tactic is to apply "the 10X rule."
If losses loom larger than gains, then we need to create a product where the gains greatly dwarf the losses. Create one where the benefits are 10X that of the losses, so that all economic and psychological switching costs are overcome. This is also known as Andy Grove’s 10X Rule. Andy Grove, Intel’s third employee and former CEO, had stated, for widespread adoption, a new product has to offer a 10X improvement over the incumbent product.
Of course, this strategy is easier said than done.
Principle 2. Reference Points Matter
The second principle to understand is different people have different reference points. These reference points matter. The reference point simply refers to the person’s current state of being.
Continuing our online grocer example, the reference point of a typical customer is someone who currently goes to the physical supermarket to pick up groceries. This process may already be part of the customer’s weekly routine. Gains and losses are relative to this state of being.
For two people with different reference points, a gain for one person may be perceived as a loss for the other. To illustrate this concept, let’s look at the price of gas. Assume the average price for a gallon of gas in the US is $3, whereas it’s $10 in the UK. If a US customer came upon a gas station charging $6.50/gallon, she would be furious. If a UK customer came upon the same situation, she would be ecstatic. (Also, note that even though the objective difference is the same for both customers, the US customer’s sentiment would be more affected than that of the UK customer, because losses loom greater than gains.)
The Value Function Illustrates Objective vs. Subjective Values
By understanding your customer’s reference point, you can determine her perceived gains and losses. In most cases, your reference point is different from that of your customer. This is because you have already used and experienced your product, whereas your customer has not. Your product has become part of your state of being. This disparity in judgment is captured in the concept known as the Innovator’s Curse.
What's the solution? One effective strategy is a reference point pivot.
Since reference points dictate how customers perceive gains and losses, it makes sense to seek out customers with favorable reference points. Think about it this way. In one market, your product may have fulfilled the 10X Rule. In another, your same product may be perceived as 10X worse!
During its earlier years, Walmart opened stores only in rural areas to compete against local mom and pops. Compared with these incumbent retailers, Walmart was a clear 10X improvement. If Walmart had started off launching stores in metropolitan areas instead, where large department store chains were already established, Walmart’s growth would have been hindered.
Ideal markets are ones filled with first time buyers. For the first time buyer, her reference point is neutral. She doesn’t have any preconceived biases over existing benefits lost and new costs incurred, because she doesn’t currently use the incumbent solution. Thus, for many products, it is easiest to launch in emerging markets. This is because emerging markets (e.g. BRICS nations) are filled with first time buyers.
Principle 3. Endowment Effect
According to the Endowment Effect, people value items in their possession (i.e. part of their endowment) more than items not in their possession. This is because people are loss averse.
This behavior sheds some light on why losses loom larger than gains. If a customer is already accustomed to an existing product or existing way of doing things, it becomes hard for her to give that up and change–even if the alternative presents greater benefits.
An easy and common method companies leverage to take advantage of this psychological principle is to offer free samples, so the customer gets hooked on their products. Once the customer begins using the product, he or she will appreciate the benefits it offers and is likely to spend money to retain these benefits. This is, in essence, an example of Reference Point Pivot.
Similarly, a popular business model adopted by many Internet SaaS companies is the “freemium” model. In the freemium model, the customer is first presented with a free version of the product. Then, the customer is offered (or forced) to a premium version.
In most cases, the product you’re selling is not an impulse purchase. The path to purchase is a long process–it’s a journey that can take from several days to several months. This journey is captured in a framework developed by McKinsey & Co called the Customer Decision Journey.
The Customer Decision Journey proposes that the customer goes through four phases in a cyclical process. Each phase represents a potential marketing battleground where companies compete for the customer’s purchase and loyalty.
These phases along the customer’s journey are:
Initial Consideration. When the customer first conceives the notion of buying a product, she will develop an initial set of brands to consider buying. Brands in the initial-consideration set are three times more likely to be purchased than brands that aren’t in it. This means that Brand Awareness is vital. In this phase, we should focus on push marketing.
Active Evaluation. In the evaluation phase, the customer is seeking information and shopping around to make an informed purchase decision. She will ask for recommendations from friends and family, read reviews online, go to the store to test out products, and so forth. This phase empowers both the customer and the company. How are companies empowered? Companies have the opportunity to enter the consideration set—and even force out companies in the Initial Consideration Set. Big brands can no longer take their position for granted. In fact, due to this phenomenon, we have seen the successful rise direct-to-consumer startups. A popular influencer or creator with a small team can launch their own brands and compete against established, billion dollar companies. With increased online and social presences, companies are increasing the number of touch points with the customer—thus increasing their influence over the customer’s purchase decision in the Active Evaluation phase.
Moment of Purchase. This is the point in time when the customer goes to the retailer and makes the purchase. Even at this late stage of the journey, companies can still influence the purchase. This is done through in-store marketing and influence of store salesmen.
Post-purchase Experience. After the purchase, the customer builds expectations based on her experience that will impact her next purchase journey. This creates the circular nature of the journey. In this phase, our goal is to foster customer loyalty, which will drive repeat purchases and word-of-mouth marketing. Likewise, if the customer is dissatisfied with the purchase, she will become a negative influence on the purchase decisions of others. This is not limited to her immediate circle of friends and family either. For instance, she can post a negative review on a prominent website, which will be read by countless potential customers in the Active Evaluation stage.
If our goal is to reach an emerging market, there are certain nuances that should be highlighted and understood. Though the overarching process is the same, the emphasis in marketing is different when comparing a customer in an emerging market versus a customer in an established market. For instance, in an established market, customers often rely on online reviews when making purchase decisions. In emerging markets, online sites are not yet trusted by the customer. Learn more about this topic in this article: Craft a Successful Strategy for Emerging Markets.
For more information on Customer Journey, take a look at these frameworks:
The Internet is becoming more and more crucial in the Customer’s Decision Journey. Because of the Internet, the number of customer touch points has increased significantly.
In the online experience, there are 5 categories of customer touch points. They have varying levels of importance along the path to purchase:
Paid. This category includes paid display and search advertising.
Social. This category refers to interactions with the customer through social media (namely, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube).
Email. Email marketing typically takes the form of recurring newsletters. Newsletters are essentially the online form of the offline store circular.
Referral. This category refers to external websites that “refer” customers to your website.
Direct. This refers to your own website. It encompasses the customers who go directly to your website.
Here is the typical flow of online interaction with the customer through her journey. At the start, the goal is to create Brand Awareness. This is typically achieved through investments in paid advertisements. As the customer begins to actively evaluate her various product choices, Social and Email begin to play a more important role. Through social media, companies can directly engage and influence customers. Email marketing is an effective method of building rapport with a customer. Once a customer has subscribed to our newsletter, we can send regular newsletters to constantly remind her of our company and products. The customers that are most likely to make a purchase are Referral and Direct visitors. Afterwards, in the post-purchase phase, Social and Email continue to play important roles in nurturing that customer bond.
Of course, the relationship between the touch point and decision journey varies by industry and varies by geography.
Source: Product Lifecycle, Rogers' Five Factors, Psychology of Product Adoption
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All products mature through 5 stages of development. The length of each period varies tremendously. Some products have very short cycles, whereas others can take decades or even centuries to go through the cycle. This framework details a 5-phase approach to proper Product Lifecycle Analysis and draws out key strategic insights at each stage of the lifecycle.
Specific topics covered include the Consumer Adoption Curve, Bass Diffusion Model, Lifecycle-Performance Matrix, Strategic Positioning, among others.
Rogers' Five Factors is a framework for analyzing and understanding the diffusion and adoption of product innovations. Whereas the Product Lifecycle (above) focuses on people, Rogers' Five Factors is focuses on the product. This framework proposes that the rate of innovation diffusion is largely driven by 5 product-based factors.
This document explains the Rogers' Five Factors, provides examples, shows how to use this framework in conjunction with the Production Adoption Lifecycle.
Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
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Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Sustainability is integral to New Product Development, reducing environmental impact and costs, driving Innovation, and aligning with Strategic Planning and Risk Management for long-term success. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Global economic fluctuations significantly influence pricing strategies in various industries, necessitating businesses to adapt through dynamic pricing, understanding market and consumer behavior changes, and leveraging advanced analytics for competitive advantage and profitability. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
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The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
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Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Sustainability is integral to New Product Development, reducing environmental impact and costs, driving Innovation, and aligning with Strategic Planning and Risk Management for long-term success. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Global economic fluctuations significantly influence pricing strategies in various industries, necessitating businesses to adapt through dynamic pricing, understanding market and consumer behavior changes, and leveraging advanced analytics for competitive advantage and profitability. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. Flevy.com proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I
saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you!
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"I have used Flevy services for a number of years and have never, ever been disappointed. As a matter of fact, David and his team continue, time after time, to impress me with their willingness to assist and in the real sense of the word. I have concluded in fact
that it is not at all just a repository of documents/resources but, in the way that David and his team manage the firm, it is like dealing with consultants always ready to assist, advise and direct you to what you really need, and they always get it right.
I am an international hospitality accomplished senior executive who has worked and lived during the past 35 years in 23 countries in 5 continents and I can humbly say that I know what customer service is, trust me.
Aside from the great and professional service that Flevy's team provide, their wide variety of material is of utmost great quality, professionally put together and most current.
Well done Flevy, keep up the great work and I look forward to continue working with you in the future and to recommend you to a variety of colleagues around the world.
– Roberto Pelliccia, Senior Executive in International Hospitality
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"As a young consulting firm, requests for input from clients vary and it's sometimes impossible to provide expert solutions across a broad spectrum of requirements. That was before I discovered Flevy.com.
Through subscription to this invaluable site of a plethora of topics that are key and crucial to consulting, I
have been able to exceed expectations and deliver quality advice and solutions to my clients. The quality and expertise of the authors are exemplary and gives me great confidence to use as part of my service offerings.
I highly recommend this company for any consultant wanting to apply international best practice standards in their service offerings.
– Nishi Singh, Strategist and MD at NSP Consultants
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) with Agile methodologies enhances product and service development through a dynamic, customer-centric approach, prioritizing features based on customer experience and encouraging continuous feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational performance. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Global economic fluctuations significantly influence pricing strategies in various industries, necessitating businesses to adapt through dynamic pricing, understanding market and consumer behavior changes, and leveraging advanced analytics for competitive advantage and profitability. [Read full explanation]
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Please login here to save this document to a list.
Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"I have used Flevy services for a number of years and have never, ever been disappointed. As a matter of fact, David and his team continue, time after time, to impress me with their willingness to assist and in the real sense of the word. I have concluded in fact
that it is not at all just a repository of documents/resources but, in the way that David and his team manage the firm, it is like dealing with consultants always ready to assist, advise and direct you to what you really need, and they always get it right.
I am an international hospitality accomplished senior executive who has worked and lived during the past 35 years in 23 countries in 5 continents and I can humbly say that I know what customer service is, trust me.
Aside from the great and professional service that Flevy's team provide, their wide variety of material is of utmost great quality, professionally put together and most current.
Well done Flevy, keep up the great work and I look forward to continue working with you in the future and to recommend you to a variety of colleagues around the world.
– Roberto Pelliccia, Senior Executive in International Hospitality
"I have used FlevyPro for several business applications. It is a great complement to working with expensive consultants. The quality and effectiveness of the tools are of the highest standards."
– Moritz Bernhoerster, Global Sourcing Director at Fortune 500
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. Flevy.com proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I
saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you!
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) with Agile methodologies enhances product and service development through a dynamic, customer-centric approach, prioritizing features based on customer experience and encouraging continuous feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational performance. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Global economic fluctuations significantly influence pricing strategies in various industries, necessitating businesses to adapt through dynamic pricing, understanding market and consumer behavior changes, and leveraging advanced analytics for competitive advantage and profitability. [Read full explanation]
Click main image to view in full screen.
Please login here to save this document to a list.
Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"Flevy is now a part of my business routine. I visit Flevy at least 3 times each month.
Flevy has become my preferred learning source, because what it provides is practical, current, and useful in this era where the business world is being rewritten.
many challenges and there is the need to make the right decisions in a short time, with so much scattered information, we are fortunate to have Flevy. Flevy investigates, selects, and puts at our disposal the best of the best to help us be successful in our work.
– Omar Hernán Montes Parra, CEO at Quantum SFE
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
– Jim Schoen, Principal at FRC Group
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) with Agile methodologies enhances product and service development through a dynamic, customer-centric approach, prioritizing features based on customer experience and encouraging continuous feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational performance. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Global economic fluctuations significantly influence pricing strategies in various industries, necessitating businesses to adapt through dynamic pricing, understanding market and consumer behavior changes, and leveraging advanced analytics for competitive advantage and profitability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. Flevy.com proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I
saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you!
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"I have used Flevy services for a number of years and have never, ever been disappointed. As a matter of fact, David and his team continue, time after time, to impress me with their willingness to assist and in the real sense of the word. I have concluded in fact
that it is not at all just a repository of documents/resources but, in the way that David and his team manage the firm, it is like dealing with consultants always ready to assist, advise and direct you to what you really need, and they always get it right.
I am an international hospitality accomplished senior executive who has worked and lived during the past 35 years in 23 countries in 5 continents and I can humbly say that I know what customer service is, trust me.
Aside from the great and professional service that Flevy's team provide, their wide variety of material is of utmost great quality, professionally put together and most current.
Well done Flevy, keep up the great work and I look forward to continue working with you in the future and to recommend you to a variety of colleagues around the world.
– Roberto Pelliccia, Senior Executive in International Hospitality
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
– Debbi Saffo, President at The NiKhar Group
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
– Chris McCann, Founder at Resilient.World
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"As a young consulting firm, requests for input from clients vary and it's sometimes impossible to provide expert solutions across a broad spectrum of requirements. That was before I discovered Flevy.com.
Through subscription to this invaluable site of a plethora of topics that are key and crucial to consulting, I
have been able to exceed expectations and deliver quality advice and solutions to my clients. The quality and expertise of the authors are exemplary and gives me great confidence to use as part of my service offerings.
I highly recommend this company for any consultant wanting to apply international best practice standards in their service offerings.
– Nishi Singh, Strategist and MD at NSP Consultants
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Effective integration of customer feedback into Go-to-Market strategies involves establishing robust feedback channels, employing agile and data-driven decision-making through iterative development and A/B testing, and fostering a strong customer-centric culture. [Read full explanation]
Click main image to view in full screen.
Please login here to save this document to a list.
Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
"I have used FlevyPro for several business applications. It is a great complement to working with expensive consultants. The quality and effectiveness of the tools are of the highest standards."
– Moritz Bernhoerster, Global Sourcing Director at Fortune 500
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. Flevy.com proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I
saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you!
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Effective integration of customer feedback into Go-to-Market strategies involves establishing robust feedback channels, employing agile and data-driven decision-making through iterative development and A/B testing, and fostering a strong customer-centric culture. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. Flevy.com proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I
saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you!
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"I have used FlevyPro for several business applications. It is a great complement to working with expensive consultants. The quality and effectiveness of the tools are of the highest standards."
– Moritz Bernhoerster, Global Sourcing Director at Fortune 500
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"The wide selection of frameworks is very useful to me as an independent consultant. In fact, it rivals what I had at my disposal at Big 4 Consulting firms in terms of efficacy and organization."
– Julia T., Consulting Firm Owner (Former Manager at Deloitte and Capgemini)
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
– Chris McCann, Founder at Resilient.World
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
– Debbi Saffo, President at The NiKhar Group
"Flevy is now a part of my business routine. I visit Flevy at least 3 times each month.
Flevy has become my preferred learning source, because what it provides is practical, current, and useful in this era where the business world is being rewritten.
many challenges and there is the need to make the right decisions in a short time, with so much scattered information, we are fortunate to have Flevy. Flevy investigates, selects, and puts at our disposal the best of the best to help us be successful in our work.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into Customer Journey Mapping offers immersive experiences that transform customer interactions, necessitating strategic updates to accommodate these technologies for improved engagement and data-driven insights. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
– Jim Schoen, Principal at FRC Group
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
– Debbi Saffo, President at The NiKhar Group
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"As a young consulting firm, requests for input from clients vary and it's sometimes impossible to provide expert solutions across a broad spectrum of requirements. That was before I discovered Flevy.com.
Through subscription to this invaluable site of a plethora of topics that are key and crucial to consulting, I
have been able to exceed expectations and deliver quality advice and solutions to my clients. The quality and expertise of the authors are exemplary and gives me great confidence to use as part of my service offerings.
I highly recommend this company for any consultant wanting to apply international best practice standards in their service offerings.
– Nishi Singh, Strategist and MD at NSP Consultants
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into Customer Journey Mapping offers immersive experiences that transform customer interactions, necessitating strategic updates to accommodate these technologies for improved engagement and data-driven insights. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"As a young consulting firm, requests for input from clients vary and it's sometimes impossible to provide expert solutions across a broad spectrum of requirements. That was before I discovered Flevy.com.
Through subscription to this invaluable site of a plethora of topics that are key and crucial to consulting, I
have been able to exceed expectations and deliver quality advice and solutions to my clients. The quality and expertise of the authors are exemplary and gives me great confidence to use as part of my service offerings.
I highly recommend this company for any consultant wanting to apply international best practice standards in their service offerings.
– Nishi Singh, Strategist and MD at NSP Consultants
"As a consultant requiring up to date and professional material that will be of value and use to my clients, I find Flevy a very reliable resource.
The variety and quality of material available through Flevy offers a very useful and commanding source for information. Using Flevy saves me time, enhances my expertise and ends up being a good decision."
– Dennis Gershowitz, Principal at DG Associates
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into Customer Journey Mapping offers immersive experiences that transform customer interactions, necessitating strategic updates to accommodate these technologies for improved engagement and data-driven insights. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
– Debbi Saffo, President at The NiKhar Group
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
"I have used Flevy services for a number of years and have never, ever been disappointed. As a matter of fact, David and his team continue, time after time, to impress me with their willingness to assist and in the real sense of the word. I have concluded in fact
that it is not at all just a repository of documents/resources but, in the way that David and his team manage the firm, it is like dealing with consultants always ready to assist, advise and direct you to what you really need, and they always get it right.
I am an international hospitality accomplished senior executive who has worked and lived during the past 35 years in 23 countries in 5 continents and I can humbly say that I know what customer service is, trust me.
Aside from the great and professional service that Flevy's team provide, their wide variety of material is of utmost great quality, professionally put together and most current.
Well done Flevy, keep up the great work and I look forward to continue working with you in the future and to recommend you to a variety of colleagues around the world.
– Roberto Pelliccia, Senior Executive in International Hospitality
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
– Jim Schoen, Principal at FRC Group
"As a consultant requiring up to date and professional material that will be of value and use to my clients, I find Flevy a very reliable resource.
The variety and quality of material available through Flevy offers a very useful and commanding source for information. Using Flevy saves me time, enhances my expertise and ends up being a good decision."
– Dennis Gershowitz, Principal at DG Associates
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. Flevy.com proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I
saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you!
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: A regional water transportation company faces a strategic challenge in optimizing its pricing strategy amidst volatile fuel prices and fluctuating demand.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into Customer Journey Mapping offers immersive experiences that transform customer interactions, necessitating strategic updates to accommodate these technologies for improved engagement and data-driven insights. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
– Debbi Saffo, President at The NiKhar Group
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) with Agile methodologies enhances product and service development through a dynamic, customer-centric approach, prioritizing features based on customer experience and encouraging continuous feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational performance. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into Customer Journey Mapping offers immersive experiences that transform customer interactions, necessitating strategic updates to accommodate these technologies for improved engagement and data-driven insights. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
"Flevy is now a part of my business routine. I visit Flevy at least 3 times each month.
Flevy has become my preferred learning source, because what it provides is practical, current, and useful in this era where the business world is being rewritten.
many challenges and there is the need to make the right decisions in a short time, with so much scattered information, we are fortunate to have Flevy. Flevy investigates, selects, and puts at our disposal the best of the best to help us be successful in our work.
– Omar Hernán Montes Parra, CEO at Quantum SFE
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
– Chris McCann, Founder at Resilient.World
"As a young consulting firm, requests for input from clients vary and it's sometimes impossible to provide expert solutions across a broad spectrum of requirements. That was before I discovered Flevy.com.
Through subscription to this invaluable site of a plethora of topics that are key and crucial to consulting, I
have been able to exceed expectations and deliver quality advice and solutions to my clients. The quality and expertise of the authors are exemplary and gives me great confidence to use as part of my service offerings.
I highly recommend this company for any consultant wanting to apply international best practice standards in their service offerings.
– Nishi Singh, Strategist and MD at NSP Consultants
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) with Agile methodologies enhances product and service development through a dynamic, customer-centric approach, prioritizing features based on customer experience and encouraging continuous feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational performance. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into Customer Journey Mapping offers immersive experiences that transform customer interactions, necessitating strategic updates to accommodate these technologies for improved engagement and data-driven insights. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"The wide selection of frameworks is very useful to me as an independent consultant. In fact, it rivals what I had at my disposal at Big 4 Consulting firms in terms of efficacy and organization."
– Julia T., Consulting Firm Owner (Former Manager at Deloitte and Capgemini)
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
– Chris McCann, Founder at Resilient.World
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"I have used FlevyPro for several business applications. It is a great complement to working with expensive consultants. The quality and effectiveness of the tools are of the highest standards."
– Moritz Bernhoerster, Global Sourcing Director at Fortune 500
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"As a young consulting firm, requests for input from clients vary and it's sometimes impossible to provide expert solutions across a broad spectrum of requirements. That was before I discovered Flevy.com.
Through subscription to this invaluable site of a plethora of topics that are key and crucial to consulting, I
have been able to exceed expectations and deliver quality advice and solutions to my clients. The quality and expertise of the authors are exemplary and gives me great confidence to use as part of my service offerings.
I highly recommend this company for any consultant wanting to apply international best practice standards in their service offerings.
– Nishi Singh, Strategist and MD at NSP Consultants
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: A global telecommunications firm is facing challenges with its customer journey process, witnessing increasing customer churn rate and dwindling customer loyalty levels.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) with Agile methodologies enhances product and service development through a dynamic, customer-centric approach, prioritizing features based on customer experience and encouraging continuous feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational performance. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into Customer Journey Mapping offers immersive experiences that transform customer interactions, necessitating strategic updates to accommodate these technologies for improved engagement and data-driven insights. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"I have used Flevy services for a number of years and have never, ever been disappointed. As a matter of fact, David and his team continue, time after time, to impress me with their willingness to assist and in the real sense of the word. I have concluded in fact
that it is not at all just a repository of documents/resources but, in the way that David and his team manage the firm, it is like dealing with consultants always ready to assist, advise and direct you to what you really need, and they always get it right.
I am an international hospitality accomplished senior executive who has worked and lived during the past 35 years in 23 countries in 5 continents and I can humbly say that I know what customer service is, trust me.
Aside from the great and professional service that Flevy's team provide, their wide variety of material is of utmost great quality, professionally put together and most current.
Well done Flevy, keep up the great work and I look forward to continue working with you in the future and to recommend you to a variety of colleagues around the world.
– Roberto Pelliccia, Senior Executive in International Hospitality
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
– Jim Schoen, Principal at FRC Group
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: An established apparel brand in the eco-fashion niche is struggling to develop an effective product go-to-market strategy amidst a 20% decline in year-over-year sales.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
Click main image to view in full screen.
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"Flevy is now a part of my business routine. I visit Flevy at least 3 times each month.
Flevy has become my preferred learning source, because what it provides is practical, current, and useful in this era where the business world is being rewritten.
many challenges and there is the need to make the right decisions in a short time, with so much scattered information, we are fortunate to have Flevy. Flevy investigates, selects, and puts at our disposal the best of the best to help us be successful in our work.
– Omar Hernán Montes Parra, CEO at Quantum SFE
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
– Chris McCann, Founder at Resilient.World
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: An established apparel brand in the eco-fashion niche is struggling to develop an effective product go-to-market strategy amidst a 20% decline in year-over-year sales.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
Click main image to view in full screen.
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
"Flevy is now a part of my business routine. I visit Flevy at least 3 times each month.
Flevy has become my preferred learning source, because what it provides is practical, current, and useful in this era where the business world is being rewritten.
many challenges and there is the need to make the right decisions in a short time, with so much scattered information, we are fortunate to have Flevy. Flevy investigates, selects, and puts at our disposal the best of the best to help us be successful in our work.
– Omar Hernán Montes Parra, CEO at Quantum SFE
"If you are looking for great resources to save time with your business presentations, Flevy is truly a value-added resource. Flevy has done all the work for you and we will continue to utilize Flevy as a source to extract up-to-date information and data for our virtual and onsite presentations!"
– Debbi Saffo, President at The NiKhar Group
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
– Chris McCann, Founder at Resilient.World
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"The wide selection of frameworks is very useful to me as an independent consultant. In fact, it rivals what I had at my disposal at Big 4 Consulting firms in terms of efficacy and organization."
– Julia T., Consulting Firm Owner (Former Manager at Deloitte and Capgemini)
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: An established apparel brand in the eco-fashion niche is struggling to develop an effective product go-to-market strategy amidst a 20% decline in year-over-year sales.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
The rising importance of sustainability is fundamentally transforming Go-to-Market strategies, necessitating integration into Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Product Development to meet consumer demands, regulatory pressures, and achieve Operational Efficiency. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"Flevy is our 'go to' resource for management material, at an affordable cost. The Flevy library is comprehensive and the content deep, and typically provides a great foundation for us to further develop and tailor our own service offer."
– Chris McCann, Founder at Resilient.World
"Flevy is now a part of my business routine. I visit Flevy at least 3 times each month.
Flevy has become my preferred learning source, because what it provides is practical, current, and useful in this era where the business world is being rewritten.
many challenges and there is the need to make the right decisions in a short time, with so much scattered information, we are fortunate to have Flevy. Flevy investigates, selects, and puts at our disposal the best of the best to help us be successful in our work.
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: An established apparel brand in the eco-fashion niche is struggling to develop an effective product go-to-market strategy amidst a 20% decline in year-over-year sales.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: A prominent craft brewery, specializing in artisanal beers within the consumer packaged goods sector, is facing a strategic challenge with its pricing strategy.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) with Agile methodologies enhances product and service development through a dynamic, customer-centric approach, prioritizing features based on customer experience and encouraging continuous feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and operational performance. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"The wide selection of frameworks is very useful to me as an independent consultant. In fact, it rivals what I had at my disposal at Big 4 Consulting firms in terms of efficacy and organization."
– Julia T., Consulting Firm Owner (Former Manager at Deloitte and Capgemini)
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"As a consultant requiring up to date and professional material that will be of value and use to my clients, I find Flevy a very reliable resource.
The variety and quality of material available through Flevy offers a very useful and commanding source for information. Using Flevy saves me time, enhances my expertise and ends up being a good decision."
– Dennis Gershowitz, Principal at DG Associates
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"Last Sunday morning, I was diligently working on an important presentation for a client and found myself in need of additional content and suitable templates for various types of graphics. Flevy.com proved to be a treasure trove for both content and design at a reasonable price, considering the time I
saved. I encountered a download issue during the ordering process. However, a quick email to Flevy's support team, even on a Sunday (!!!), resulted in assistance within less than an hour, allowing me to download the content I needed. Fantastic job, Flevy! I give 5 stars for both content/price and customer service. Thank you!
– M. E., Chief Commercial Officer, International Logistics Service Provider
"I have used FlevyPro for several business applications. It is a great complement to working with expensive consultants. The quality and effectiveness of the tools are of the highest standards."
– Moritz Bernhoerster, Global Sourcing Director at Fortune 500
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A prominent craft brewery, specializing in artisanal beers within the consumer packaged goods sector, is facing a strategic challenge with its pricing strategy.
Scenario: An established apparel brand in the eco-fashion niche is struggling to develop an effective product go-to-market strategy amidst a 20% decline in year-over-year sales.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping with corporate culture promotes Organizational Change and Customer-Centric Innovation by aligning Strategy, improving Operational Efficiency, and driving employee engagement towards customer satisfaction and business growth. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A prominent craft brewery, specializing in artisanal beers within the consumer packaged goods sector, is facing a strategic challenge with its pricing strategy.
Scenario: An established apparel brand in the eco-fashion niche is struggling to develop an effective product go-to-market strategy amidst a 20% decline in year-over-year sales.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping with corporate culture promotes Organizational Change and Customer-Centric Innovation by aligning Strategy, improving Operational Efficiency, and driving employee engagement towards customer satisfaction and business growth. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"I have used Flevy services for a number of years and have never, ever been disappointed. As a matter of fact, David and his team continue, time after time, to impress me with their willingness to assist and in the real sense of the word. I have concluded in fact
that it is not at all just a repository of documents/resources but, in the way that David and his team manage the firm, it is like dealing with consultants always ready to assist, advise and direct you to what you really need, and they always get it right.
I am an international hospitality accomplished senior executive who has worked and lived during the past 35 years in 23 countries in 5 continents and I can humbly say that I know what customer service is, trust me.
Aside from the great and professional service that Flevy's team provide, their wide variety of material is of utmost great quality, professionally put together and most current.
Well done Flevy, keep up the great work and I look forward to continue working with you in the future and to recommend you to a variety of colleagues around the world.
– Roberto Pelliccia, Senior Executive in International Hospitality
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
– Michael Evans, Managing Director at Newport LLC
"The wide selection of frameworks is very useful to me as an independent consultant. In fact, it rivals what I had at my disposal at Big 4 Consulting firms in terms of efficacy and organization."
– Julia T., Consulting Firm Owner (Former Manager at Deloitte and Capgemini)
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
– Jim Schoen, Principal at FRC Group
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
Scenario: A mid-size health and personal care store chain specializing in high-end organic products is facing significant challenges with its new product launch strategy.
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping with corporate culture promotes Organizational Change and Customer-Centric Innovation by aligning Strategy, improving Operational Efficiency, and driving employee engagement towards customer satisfaction and business growth. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"As a small business owner, the resource material available from FlevyPro has proven to be invaluable. The ability to search for material on demand based our project events and client requirements was great for me and proved very beneficial to my clients. Importantly, being able to easily edit and tailor
the material for specific purposes helped us to make presentations, knowledge sharing, and toolkit development, which formed part of the overall program collateral. While FlevyPro contains resource material that any consultancy, project or delivery firm must have, it is an essential part of a small firm or independent consultant's toolbox.
– Michael Duff, Managing Director at Change Strategy (UK)
"As a consultant requiring up to date and professional material that will be of value and use to my clients, I find Flevy a very reliable resource.
The variety and quality of material available through Flevy offers a very useful and commanding source for information. Using Flevy saves me time, enhances my expertise and ends up being a good decision."
– Dennis Gershowitz, Principal at DG Associates
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"I have used FlevyPro for several business applications. It is a great complement to working with expensive consultants. The quality and effectiveness of the tools are of the highest standards."
– Moritz Bernhoerster, Global Sourcing Director at Fortune 500
"Flevy.com has proven to be an invaluable resource library to our Independent Management Consultancy, supporting and enabling us to better serve our enterprise clients.
The value derived from our [FlevyPro] subscription in terms of the business it has helped to gain far exceeds the investment made, making a subscription a no-brainer for any growing consultancy – or in-house strategy team."
– Dean Carlton, Chief Transformation Officer, Global Village Transformations Pty Ltd.
"As a consulting firm, we had been creating subject matter training materials for our people and found the excellent materials on Flevy, which saved us 100's of hours of re-creating what already exists on the Flevy materials we purchased."
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size health and personal care store chain specializing in high-end organic products is facing significant challenges with its new product launch strategy.
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping with corporate culture promotes Organizational Change and Customer-Centric Innovation by aligning Strategy, improving Operational Efficiency, and driving employee engagement towards customer satisfaction and business growth. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
This presentation discusses the topics of Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It further distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
"FlevyPro provides business frameworks from many of the global giants in management consulting that allow you to provide best in class solutions for your clients."
– David Harris, Managing Director at Futures Strategy
"I have found Flevy to be an amazing resource and library of useful presentations for lean sigma, change management and so many other topics. This has reduced the time I need to spend on preparing for my performance consultation. The library is easily accessible and updates are regularly provided. A wealth of great information."
– Cynthia Howard RN, PhD, Executive Coach at Ei Leadership
"As a young consulting firm, requests for input from clients vary and it's sometimes impossible to provide expert solutions across a broad spectrum of requirements. That was before I discovered Flevy.com.
Through subscription to this invaluable site of a plethora of topics that are key and crucial to consulting, I
have been able to exceed expectations and deliver quality advice and solutions to my clients. The quality and expertise of the authors are exemplary and gives me great confidence to use as part of my service offerings.
I highly recommend this company for any consultant wanting to apply international best practice standards in their service offerings.
– Nishi Singh, Strategist and MD at NSP Consultants
"As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value."
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
"FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The
quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it's like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
"Flevy is now a part of my business routine. I visit Flevy at least 3 times each month.
Flevy has become my preferred learning source, because what it provides is practical, current, and useful in this era where the business world is being rewritten.
many challenges and there is the need to make the right decisions in a short time, with so much scattered information, we are fortunate to have Flevy. Flevy investigates, selects, and puts at our disposal the best of the best to help us be successful in our work.
– Omar Hernán Montes Parra, CEO at Quantum SFE
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
Scenario: A mid-size organic snack manufacturer faces challenges in executing a successful product launch and developing an effective pricing strategy.
Scenario: A prominent digital banking institution is at a critical juncture in optimizing its customer decision journey, facing a 20% decline in user engagement and a 15% increase in customer acquisition costs over the past year.
Scenario: A mid-size health and personal care store chain specializing in high-end organic products is facing significant challenges with its new product launch strategy.
Scenario: The company is a high-end luxury retailer facing stagnation in market share growth due to a static pricing model that has not adapted to evolving consumer behaviors and competitive market dynamics.
Scenario: A mid-sized cosmetics company specializing in organic skincare is facing a strategic challenge in executing a successful product launch due to an underdeveloped product go-to-market strategy.
Scenario: A boutique hotel chain operating in the competitive leisure and hospitality sector is struggling to optimize its pricing strategy amidst fluctuating demand and intense competition.
Scenario: The organization, a direct-to-consumer fitness apparel company, is grappling with the challenge of setting prices in a highly competitive market.
Scenario: The company is a specialty retailer in the consumer packaged goods industry, grappling with margin compression in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Integrating Customer Journey Mapping with corporate culture promotes Organizational Change and Customer-Centric Innovation by aligning Strategy, improving Operational Efficiency, and driving employee engagement towards customer satisfaction and business growth. [Read full explanation]
AI and ML enhance New Product Development (NPD) by providing insights, automating processes, predicting trends, optimizing design and supply chains, and improving decision-making and efficiency for competitive advantage and rapid innovation. [Read full explanation]
Employee training is crucial for optimizing the customer decision journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty through skills development and strategic training programs aligned with company objectives. [Read full explanation]
Companies must adapt their Consumer Decision Journey strategies to cater to Baby Boomers' preference for traditional media and in-person experiences and Generation Z's inclination towards digital platforms, social responsibility, and personalized experiences to effectively engage these diverse demographics. [Read full explanation]
The increasing importance of data privacy and security is reshaping new product development strategies in tech industries through Strategic Planning, Risk Management, Operational Excellence, Innovation, and Performance Management, focusing on compliance, consumer trust, and competitive advantage. [Read full explanation]
Assessing demand elasticity is crucial for Pricing Strategy adjustments, involving market segmentation, advanced analytics, and both quantitative and qualitative research to optimize revenue and market position. [Read full explanation]
Companies can gain Competitive Advantage by leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze data across the Consumer Decision Journey, enabling personalized marketing strategies and improved customer satisfaction. [Read full explanation]
Organizations are adapting to the gig economy by implementing Dynamic Pricing, Subscription and Membership Models, and Value-Based Pricing, focusing on flexibility, innovation, and customer-centric approaches to ensure market competitiveness and sustainability. [Read full explanation]
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Designed by a firm of ex-consultants from McKinsey, E&Y, and Bearing Point, this presentation discusses the Psychology of Product Adoption. It covers important concepts like Prospect Theory, Innovator's Curse, and Endowment Effect.
This product (Psychology of Product Adoption) is a 46-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation slide deck (PPT), which you can download immediately upon purchase.
Some innovations are truly spectacular, but consumers are slow or just refuse to adopt. In fact, over 70% of all new products fail in the marketplace—and innovative, new products fail at an even higher rate.
Why is this the case? And, how do companies overcome this?
This document discusses the psychology of product adoption. Topics include Prospect Theory, Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, Give and Get Dynamics, Innovator's Curse, Product-Behavior Value Matrix, among other topics. It distills these concepts into Six Product Launch Strategies.
This presentation has instructional slides and examples.
The foundation of this consumer adoption discussion is around the difference between objective gains and losses vs. subjective gains and losses. This fundamental consumer bias results in psychological switching costs, in addition to economic ones. Studies have shown that, psychologically, losses loom larger than gains by two to three times.
The document delves into the intricacies of consumer psychology, emphasizing how reference points influence perceived gains and losses. It explains that consumers evaluate gains and losses relative to their current status quo, which can vary significantly across different markets. For instance, a price change in one region may be perceived differently in another, highlighting the importance of understanding local consumer reference points.
The presentation also covers the Endowment Effect, illustrating how consumers place higher value on items they already possess compared to new acquisitions. This psychological bias means that consumers are more likely to invest resources in retaining what they have rather than acquiring new products. The implication for businesses is clear: new offerings must significantly outperform existing solutions to overcome this inherent bias.
In addition, the document addresses the "Give and Get Dynamics," where consumers must give up an existing benefit to gain a new one. This trade-off is crucial in product adoption, as the perceived value of the new product must exceed the value of the old by a substantial margin. Companies are advised to ensure their new products offer at least three to ten times the value of existing ones to successfully navigate this psychological hurdle.
Got a question about the product? Email us at support@flevy.com or ask the author directly by using the "Ask the Author a Question" form. If you cannot view the preview above this document description, go here to view the large preview instead.
Source: Best Practices in Behavioral Economics, Product Strategy, Psychology, Product Launch Strategy PowerPoint Slides: Psychology of Product Adoption PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation Slide Deck, PPT Lab
Designed by a firm of ex-consultants from McKinsey, E&Y, and Bearing Point, this presentation discusses the Psychology of Product Adoption. It covers important concepts like Prospect Theory, Innovator's Curse, and Endowment Effect.
PPT Lab is a presentation design firm specializing in business frameworks and PowerPoint templates. Our team is comprised of ex-consultants from McKinsey, E&Y, Bearing Point, and boutique consulting firms. We have worked with hundreds of clients globally, ranging from mid-size manufacturing companies to global Fortune 500 conglomerates.
All of our documents are of the
... [read more] same quality produced by top-tier consulting firms and utilize the Consulting Presentation Framework.
Since 2012, we have provided best practices to over 10,000 businesses and organizations of all sizes, from startups and small businesses to the Fortune 100, in over 130 countries.
Read Customer Testimonials
"One of the great discoveries that I have made for my business is the Flevy library of training materials.
As a Lean Transformation Expert, I am always making presentations to clients on a variety of topics: Training, Transformation, Total Productive Maintenance, Culture, Coaching, Tools, Leadership Behavior, etc. Flevy
It is well worth the money to purchase these presentations. Sure, I have the knowledge and information to make my point. It is another thing to create a presentation that captures what I want to say. Flevy has saved me countless hours of preparation time that is much better spent with implementation that will actually save money for my clients.
– Ed Kemmerling, Senior Lean Transformation Expert at PMG
"I am extremely grateful for the proactiveness and eagerness to help and I would gladly recommend the Flevy team if you are looking for data and toolkits to help you work through business solutions."
– Trevor Booth, Partner, Fast Forward Consulting
"My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me
in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
"As an Independent Management Consultant, I find Flevy to add great value as a source of best practices, templates and information on new trends. Flevy has matured and the quality and quantity of the library is excellent. Lastly the price charged is reasonable, creating a win-win value for
the customer, Flevy and the various authors. This is truly a service that benefits the consulting industry and associated clients. Thanks for providing this service.
– Jim Schoen, Principal at FRC Group
"I have used FlevyPro for several business applications. It is a great complement to working with expensive consultants. The quality and effectiveness of the tools are of the highest standards."
– Moritz Bernhoerster, Global Sourcing Director at Fortune 500
"[Flevy] produces some great work that has been/continues to be of immense help not only to myself, but as I seek to provide professional services to my clients, it gives me a large "tool box" of resources that are critical to provide them with the quality of service and outcomes they are expecting."
– Royston Knowles, Executive with 50+ Years of Board Level Experience
"I like your product. I'm frequently designing PowerPoint presentations for my company and your product has given me so many great ideas on the use of charts, layouts, tools, and frameworks. I really think the templates are a valuable asset to the job."
– Roberto Fuentes Martinez, Senior Executive Director at Technology Transformation Advisory
"As a consultant requiring up to date and professional material that will be of value and use to my clients, I find Flevy a very reliable resource.
The variety and quality of material available through Flevy offers a very useful and commanding source for information. Using Flevy saves me time, enhances my expertise and ends up being a good decision."
– Dennis Gershowitz, Principal at DG Associates
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Download our free compilation of 50+ Strategy & Transformation slides and templates. Frameworks include McKinsey 7-S, Balanced Scorecard, Disruptive Innovation, BCG Curve, and many more.
Download our free compilation of 50+ Strategy & Transformation slides and templates. Frameworks include McKinsey 7-S, Balanced Scorecard, Disruptive Innovation, BCG Curve, and many more.