IPO, Investment Banking, and Managing Debt Risk
Lecture Outline
1, What agencies regulate securities markets?
2, How are start-up firms usually financed?
3, Differentiate between a private placement and a public offering.
4. Why would a company consider going public?
5. What are the steps of an IPO?
6. What criteria are important in choosing an investment banker?
7. Would companies going public use a negotiated deal or a competitive bid?
8. Would the sale be on an underwritten or best efforts basis?
9. Describe how an IPO would be priced.
10. What is a roadshow?
11. What is book building?
12. What are typical first-day returns?
14. What are the long-term returns to investors in IPOs?
15. What are the direct & indirect costs of an IPO?
16. What are equity carve-outs?
17. How are investment banks involved in non-IPO issuances?
18. What is a rights offering?
19. What is meant by going private?
20. Advantages and Disadvantages of Going Private
21. How do companies manage the maturity structure of their debt?
22. Under what conditions would a firm exercise a bond call provision?
23. Managing Debt Risk with Securitization
An initial public offering (IPO) refers to the process of offering shares of a private corporation to the public in a new stock issuance for the first time. An IPO allows a company to raise equity capital from public investors.
The transition from a private to a public company can be an important time for private investors to fully realize gains from their investment as it typically includes a share premium for current private investors. Meanwhile, it also allows public investors to participate in the offering.
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Source: Best Practices in IPO, Investment Banking, Debt PowerPoint Slides: IPO, Investment Banking, and Managing Debt Risk PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation Slide Deck, UJ Consulting
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