Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Rapid Prototyping Toolkit allows you to implement a BSC management system within your organization in days, instead of weeks or months. It includes a proven framework for BSC rapid prototyping, along with associated tools, templates, and educational resources (listed below).
There is lack of consensus as to what a "balanced scorecard" is. To complicate matters, many organization initially start with developing a BSC without first developing its companion and arguably more important Strategy Map from which the BSC's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be derived. A BSC is a feedback mechanism. The real intelligence like a GPS in a car come from a strategy map. Further complicating matters is organizations confuse strategic KPIs that belong in a scorecard from operational performance indicators (PIs) that belong in a dashboard.
This Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard framework provides instructions on how to initially construct both instruments in a single day.
The documents in this Flevy business framework enable an effective and successful implementation method for a Strategy Map and its associated BSC. This method assures achieving a permanent, repeatable, and reliable BSC in days, not many weeks and months.
The purpose of this approach is to accelerate learning for the managers, remove misconceptions, and gain buy-in from managers and executives for applying the BSC to align the priorities and behavior of managers and employee teams with the executive team's strategy. A reason this method works is because it is engaging. The organization is designing the strategy map for their own organization, not of a fictitious organization. The managers relate to the strategic objectives formulated by the executive team. They are of their own company. People learn faster by doing.
This "quick start" approach starts with one day workshop with roughly 5-7 senior executives. This initial strategy map and its BSC is deliberately named BSC #0 because its purpose is not to provide usable information. That comes next. The next "iteration" is BSC #1, which will be more refined.
The following documents are included:
1. PowerPoint describing a Strategy Map and its associated Balanced Scorecard (this is the primary document, which you see above in the partial preview)
2. PDF describing the workshop
3. Word document with (1) two articles I have authored on this subject, and (2) Workshop Steps Overview
4. PDF of the first article ("The Perils and Promises of the Balanced Scorecard")
5. Sample Excel spreadsheet of the deliverable at end of the "quick start" workshop
Documents 2-5 are included in the secondary ZIP.
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Source: Best Practices in Balanced Scorecard PowerPoint Slides: Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Rapid Prototyping Toolkit PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation Slide Deck, Gary Cokins
Balanced Scorecard Strategy Deployment & Execution Performance Management Management Accounting Analytics Lean Management Operational Excellence CFO Hoshin Kanri Strategy Development Strategic Planning Activity Based Costing Costing CAPA Lean Culture Budgeting & Forecasting Problem Solving Risk Management 8D Customer Profitability Corporate Culture KPI
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