A Microsoft (MS) Excel PRINCE2 project plan task tracker and dashboard spreadsheet for checking task status and progress with the client and project team. Includes task, baseline start date, baseline finish date, forecast start date, forecast finish date, status, percent complete, allocated resource, cost tracking and comments. A selection of MS charts are also included as a separate set of tabs in the spreadsheet. This PRINCE2 waterfall plan aligns with the latest version of PRINCE2 (7th edition as of this upload). Future updates are free after purchase from Flevy.
This MS Excel PRINCE2 plan can be tailored as required based on the seventh principle of PRINCE2. The Microsoft Project Excel file template for PRINCE2 7th edition contains all the stages and activities required by PRINCE2 including all the artefacts required for creation and updating across the project life cycle.
Each row is annotated with a description of the activity / task in the notes section for the task.
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Source: Best Practices in Project Management, PRINCE2 Excel: PRINCE2 Editable Excel Planning & Cost Tracker Spreadsheet Excel (XLSM) Spreadsheet, i_Pro_PM_Templates
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