A comprehensive editable, table MS Excel spreadsheet for tracking project monthly financials including summary view tab, contracted work, forecasts, actuals, variance, expenses, annual leave, suppliers and pivot tab.
Tab 1: Contains the main finance tracker scrollable by month and includes; resource summary, grade and role on project, expenses incurred, annual leave, sickness, original bid days (from SoW), forecast days, actual days worked, hours, variance, actual internal cost, forecast revenue, actual revenue and revenue variance. The sum total of all the months is also included on the far right of the spreadsheet for all the headings above.
Tab 2: The finance summary tab contains a graphical view by way of charts of all details in Tab 1 above for reporting purposes.
Tab 3: A larger finance dashboard of charts to summarize the project forecasts and costs in various different ways for different reporting requests by stakeholders.
Tab 4/5: Spreadsheet pivots of the information in tab 1.
Tab 6: A comprehensive annual leave / sickness worksheet by resource which is viewable in summary in tab 1 by resource.
Tab7: Any supplier costs.
Tab 8/9/10: Rate card changes across the financial calendar.
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Source: Best Practices in Project Planning Workbook, Project Management Excel: Project Finance Tracker Including Forecasts & Actuals Excel (XLSM) Spreadsheet, i_Pro_PM_Templates
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