Sponsorship is one of the three key foundations of Change Management together with Communication & Engagement and Stakeholder Management. The project sponsor is one, and only one, level above the project manager. They do not manage the day to day operations of the project but they ensure the resources are in place, promote the project, and hold overall responsibility for the project's success. They represent the business side of the project
Sponsors are business leaders who play a key role in promoting, advocating and shaping project
Active and visible participation from sponsors is crucial. This guide emphasizes that great sponsors lead by doing, communicate consistently, and build support with peers and managers. The ABC and 123 of Sponsorship framework is designed to ensure sponsors are not just figureheads, but active participants in driving project success.
Prosci's benchmarking studies highlight the importance of active sponsorship. Since 1998, active and visible sponsorship has been identified as the top contributor to successful change initiatives. The IBM Making Change Work Survey further corroborates this, showing that top management sponsorship is the most critical factor, with a 92% success rate in change initiatives.
The guide outlines essential personal attributes for sponsors, including understanding, competence, credibility, and engagement. It also provides a comprehensive checklist to ensure sponsors are aware of their responsibilities and actively supporting the project. This PPT is an indispensable resource for ensuring your sponsors are equipped to lead your change initiatives effectively.
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Source: A Guide to Project Sponsorship PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, The Highway of Change
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