A Kanban Board is a Lean & Agile Project Management tool used to implement Kanban to manage work at a personal or organizational level.
Kanban Boards visually depict work at various stages of a process using cards to represent work items and columns to represent each stage of the process. Cards are moved from left to right to show progress and to help coordinate teams performing the work. A Kanban Board may be divided into horizontal "swimlanes" representing different kinds of work or different teams performing the work.
With this Target Operating Model (TOM) Kanban, you can enable client business and technology leaders and their organizations to positively affect business outcomes by applying a holistic people, process and technology mindset to business alignment, technology strategy and technology tactics in the space of Advanced Analytics and Data Driven mindset.
This Kanban offers the following benefits:
• Use Risk Management as a way to make your business more efficient, to reduce manual intervention, and minimize risk and control errors.
• Get management to understand the importance of Data Governance.
• Get your partners aligned with the key performance measures of your business vs. traditional outsourcing.
• Measure the success of Data and Technology Transformation.
• Organize yourself in order to support the future business model.
• Evaluate value and impact to the business if compromised.
• Get sufficient assurance on your Risk Management investment.
• Maintain the Enterprise Architecture in the midst of evolving systems and new business requirements.
• Resource proof of concept efforts to show early impact and demonstrate potential to fellow business leaders.
• Transition to the new model without degrading live service and project delivery.
This Kanban Board is downloadable as an Excel file. You will need to import the Excel into Airtable, Monday, Smartsheet, Power BI, or the Kanban visualization tool of your choice.
The above preview is only a partial snapshot of all the data included in the Kanban Excel import. The full document has 1,000+ records.
Gain insights into critical capabilities and urgency levels for various business functions, from client management to innovation. Leverage this comprehensive tool to streamline operations and drive strategic initiatives effectively.
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Source: Best Practices in Target Operating Model, Kanban Board Excel: Kanban Board: Target Operating Model (TOM) Excel (XLSX) Spreadsheet, Gerard Blokdijk
Target Operating Model Strategy Development Consulting Frameworks Arabic Strategy Frameworks Value Based Management Corporate Social Responsibility Kanban Board ESG PMI M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) Vision Statement Purpose Goal Setting Consulting Training Performance Management Organizational Design Shareholder Value Strategic Planning Continuous Improvement Gap Analysis Company Analysis Governance Digital Transformation
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