When things go wrong, customer expectations tend to drop while fear and anger rise. Many service providers avoid the issue, minimize costs, and shift blame. However, with the right approach and understanding, you can regain customer satisfaction and loyalty, making your organization even stronger. In today's competitive landscape, effective service recovery is crucial to enhancing the overall Customer Experience (CX).
In this Service Recovery PPT training presentation, you can educate customer service employees or new hires on the key concepts and principles of service recovery. Learn how to handle difficult customers and acquire the five-step service recovery skill to turn negative experiences into opportunities for strengthening customer relationships.
1. Understand the key concepts of service recovery
2. Understand the principles of effective service recovery systems
3. Understand why problems are opportunities
4. Acquire knowledge on how to make it easy for customers to complain
5. Acquire knowledge on how to handle difficult customers
6. Apply the five steps of service recovery skill
1. Introduction to Service Recovery
2. Principles of Effective Service Recovery Systems
3. Problems are Opportunities
4. Making it Easy for Customers to Complain
5. Handling Difficult Customers
6. Five Steps of Service Recovery
Note: In addition to this training presentation, you may also be interested in the following presentations on Customer Experience (CX) (sold separately):
• Customer-Centricity
• Digital Customer Service (DCS)
• Design Thinking
• Customer Journey Mapping
• Business Model Canvas
• Value Proposition Canvas
• Customer Experience Management Models
This presentation delves deep into the psychology of customer responses to service failures, categorizing them into public actions, private actions, and inactions. It underscores the importance of transforming complaints into opportunities for improvement, highlighting how effective service recovery can significantly boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. The five-step service recovery process is meticulously detailed, providing actionable strategies to address and resolve customer issues promptly. This resource is essential for any organization aiming to enhance its service recovery framework and turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.
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Source: Best Practices in Customer Service PowerPoint Slides: CX Improvement Program: Mastering Service Recovery PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation Slide Deck, Operational Excellence Consulting
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