Creative ideas are the backbone of businesses—be it innovative products, timesaving process improvements, to next growth opportunity.
Every manager aspire to generate creative ideas consistently from their teams. Most of the teams globally are accustomed to routine Brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas. These sessions are typically unstructured, attended passively by a group of people trying to pay attention to a moderator who requests the team to think outside the box. The attendees, predominantly, remain quiet during the session, while a few take over the session with their archaic ideas, which are seldom acted upon after the session.
This presentation provides a detailed account of a more productive, question-based approach to Brainstorming, making use of the presence, attention, and insights of all the participants. Such an approach demands more planning, but delivers better ideas to solve problems and tackle various business situations.
This practical approach to Brainstorming and idea generation entails 7 key steps:
1. Understand Our Organization's Decision Making Criteria
2. Ask the Right Questions
3. Pick People Who Can Answer the Questions
4. Hold Focused Idea Generation Sessions
5. Set the Brainstorming Expectations
6. Have Subgroups Determine Their Leading Ideas
7. Follow up Quickly
The slide deck also includes some slide templates for you to use in your own business presentations.
This deck provides a structured framework to transform your brainstorming sessions into highly productive, idea-generating workshops. It emphasizes the importance of understanding decision-making criteria, selecting the right participants, and setting clear expectations. The approach ensures that all voices are heard and ideas are evaluated effectively. The included templates streamline the process, making it easier to implement in your organization. This resource is essential for leaders aiming to foster innovation and drive meaningful outcomes from their teams.
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Source: Best Practices in Problem Solving, Brainstorming PowerPoint Slides: 7 Steps to Brainstorming PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation, LearnPPT Consulting
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