Flevy Management Insights Q&A
How to identify my core values and principles?

This article provides a detailed response to: How to identify my core values and principles? For a comprehensive understanding of Mission, Vision, Values, we also include relevant case studies for further reading and links to Mission, Vision, Values best practice resources.

TLDR Identifying core values and principles involves introspection, stakeholder consultation, and embedding them into Strategic Planning, Leadership, and daily operations.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Before we begin, let's review some important management concepts, as they related to this question.

What does Core Values Identification mean?
What does Value Prioritization mean?
What does Operationalizing Values mean?

Identifying core values and principles is a foundational step for any leader aiming to steer their organization towards success. It's not just about setting a moral compass; it's about defining what drives the organization's culture, decision-making, and strategy. The process of uncovering "what are my values and principles" requires introspection, consultation, and a structured approach. This is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor; it demands customization and deep reflection.

Consulting giants like McKinsey and Deloitte emphasize the significance of aligning organizational values with strategic goals. They argue that a clear understanding of these values enhances leadership effectiveness, employee engagement, and organizational resilience. However, identifying these values and principles is not merely an academic exercise. It requires a pragmatic framework that guides leaders through the complexities of organizational dynamics and market realities.

Start by conducting a thorough self-assessment. This involves reflecting on past decisions, identifying patterns in your leadership style, and recognizing the beliefs that influenced these choices. Tools and templates are available from consulting firms to facilitate this process. Yet, the essence lies in the willingness to question and challenge one's assumptions. Engaging with peers, mentors, and even adversaries can provide invaluable insights into your core values and how they are perceived by others.

Framework for Identification

A robust framework for identifying your core values and principles begins with articulating what matters most to you and your organization. This could range from integrity and accountability to innovation and customer satisfaction. Consulting firms often use strategic planning sessions, workshops, and surveys to unearth these values. The key is to ensure that these values are not just aspirational but are genuinely reflective of the organization's ethos and practices.

Next, prioritize these values. Not all values hold equal weight in every situation. Determining which values are non-negotiable and which can be adapted depending on the context is crucial. This prioritization helps in making difficult decisions, especially when values conflict. For instance, choosing between operational excellence and employee well-being can be challenging, but clear priorities can guide these decisions.

Finally, operationalize these values. This means embedding them into every aspect of the organization—from recruitment and onboarding to performance management and leadership development. It requires consistent communication, modeling of desired behaviors by leaders, and mechanisms for feedback and accountability. Only then can these values transcend being mere words on a website to becoming a living, breathing part of the organizational culture.

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Real-World Application

Consider the case of a global technology firm that redefined its core values in the face of digital transformation. The leadership team, through a series of strategy development workshops and stakeholder consultations, identified agility, customer-centricity, and innovation as its guiding principles. These were not just selected for their relevance to the industry but because they resonated with the organizational culture and the leadership's vision for the future.

The firm then embarked on a comprehensive change management initiative to integrate these values into its operations. This included revising its performance management system to reward behaviors that aligned with these values, redesigning its leadership development programs, and launching internal campaigns to promote understanding and adoption of these values. The result was a more agile, innovative, and customer-focused organization that could navigate the complexities of digital transformation more effectively.

However, the journey of identifying and living by one's values and principles is ongoing. It requires regular reflection, open dialogue, and the flexibility to evolve as the organization and its environment change. The key is not to view this process as a one-off exercise but as a critical component of strategic planning and organizational development.

Actionable Insights

To embark on this journey, leaders should:

  • Engage in honest self-reflection and seek feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders.
  • Utilize strategic planning frameworks and tools from reputable consulting firms to guide the identification and prioritization of values.
  • Embed these values into organizational practices, ensuring they are reflected in decision-making, leadership, and daily operations.
  • Monitor and adjust these values as the organization evolves, maintaining alignment with strategic objectives and market demands.

In conclusion, identifying and embodying your core values and principles is a dynamic and critical process for any leader. It demands sincerity, commitment, and a strategic approach. By following a structured framework and drawing on real-world examples, leaders can ensure that their organization's values are not just words, but the essence of its identity and strategy.

Best Practices in Mission, Vision, Values

Here are best practices relevant to Mission, Vision, Values from the Flevy Marketplace. View all our Mission, Vision, Values materials here.

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Mission, Vision, Values Case Studies

For a practical understanding of Mission, Vision, Values, take a look at these case studies.

Digital Transformation Strategy for Independent Bookstore Chain

Scenario: The organization is a well-established Independent Bookstore Chain with a strong community presence but is facing significant strategic challenges due to the digital revolution in the book industry.

Read Full Case Study

Revitalization of Mission, Vision, and Values for an International Technology Firm

Scenario: An international technology firm is seeking to redefine its Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV) in response to a rapidly changing industry landscape.

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Brand Identity Refinement for Boutique Hotel Chain in Luxury Segment

Scenario: A boutique hotel chain in the luxury segment is grappling with an inconsistent brand identity that has led to a fragmented customer experience across its properties.

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Global Strategy for Robotics Firm in Healthcare Automation

Scenario: A pioneering robotics company specializing in healthcare automation is at a pivotal juncture, aiming to redefine its mission, vision, and values to better align with the evolving market dynamics.

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Vision Statement Refinement for Maritime Shipping Leader

Scenario: A maritime shipping conglomerate operating across international waters has been facing challenges in aligning its diverse portfolio with a cohesive Vision Statement.

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Online Learning Strategy for Educational Services in STEM

Scenario: An emerging player in the online education sector, focusing on STEM courses for high school students, faces the strategic challenge of distinguishing itself in a crowded market while staying true to its mission, vision, and values.

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Source: Executive Q&A: Mission, Vision, Values Questions, Flevy Management Insights, 2024

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