More and more organizations are now pursuing Collaborative Supplier Innovation initiatives. Collaborative Supplier Innovation is defined as the joint development of capabilities for both the customer and supplier for the purpose of reduced cost, process improvements, and innovation in products and services.
The essence of Collaborative Supplier Innovation is to work with our suppliers to generate profitable, value-building growth. While Collaborative Supplier Innovation can have considerable payoffs, realizing the payoff requires a big shift in the our internal workings and in managing the supplier network.
This presentation outlines a 3-phase approach to Collaborative Supplier Innovation:
1. Define Innovation Activities
2. Shift Procurement Mindset
3. Manage the Value Chain
Other topics covered include Benefits and Considerations, the Core vs. Non-core Capabilities Matrix, Company Innovation Cycle, among others.
This deck also includes slide templates for you to use in your own business presentations.
This PPT delves into the intricacies of Collaborative Supplier Innovation, offering a comprehensive framework to redefine procurement strategies. It emphasizes the importance of early supplier involvement in innovation activities, which can significantly reduce time-to-market and enhance product differentiation. The presentation provides actionable insights into shifting the procurement mindset from a cost-centric approach to one focused on profit improvement, ensuring that suppliers are integral to the innovation process.
A key highlight is the detailed exploration of the Core vs. Non-core Capabilities Matrix, which helps organizations identify which activities should be retained in-house and which can be outsourced to suppliers. This strategic tool is essential for optimizing resource allocation and leveraging supplier capabilities to improve cost positions and drive innovation. The document also covers the importance of managing the value chain effectively, ensuring that all network partners are aligned with the company's innovation goals and growth targets.
The presentation includes practical slide templates that can be customized for your business needs, making it a valuable resource for crafting your own supplier innovation strategies. By adopting the principles outlined in this document, organizations can foster stronger supplier relationships, drive continuous improvement, and achieve sustainable competitive advantages. This is a must-have guide for any executive looking to harness the full potential of their supplier network.
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Source: Best Practices in Innovation, Supplier Management PowerPoint Slides: Collaborative Supplier Innovation PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation, LearnPPT Consulting
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