A 375 slide deck with generic visuals organized into categories. Click on the chart type to go to that section of the presentation. Or, put the presentation in ?slide sorter' mode to see an overview of all of the diagrams.
-Horizontal Bar Charts
-Vertical Column Charts
-Pie Charts
-Line and Other Charts
Dynamic Concepts
• Evaluation
-Illustrative Graphs and Frameworks
-Useful Objects
-Linear Flows
-Issue to Outcome Flows
-Circular Flows
Static Objects
-Driver Trees
-Text Objects
-Other Structures
Standard Visuals
-Project Management
-AMC Way Approach, Assets and Workplans
-Teams and People
When designing presentation slides, you need to find a balance between keeping the interest of your audience and maintaining their attention, while not distracting them from your key message.
The aim of presentation slides is to enhance learning and understanding, by supplementing what you're saying (not be the main focus of your talk).
These generic slides are built with the following best practices in slide design in mind;
-Avoid slides with lots of text, especially if it's just a repetition of what you're saying. The audience may be reading rather than listening to you. If you need text-heavy slides then gradually reveal the text when needed,
• Ideally you should only include main speaking points in the form of short and concise bullet points on your slides. This is far less dull for the audience and the best slides have no text – some speakers just use images,
-Don't fill up empty spaces with unnecessary elements as this won't help the audience understand what you're saying. The less clutter there is on a slide the more impact your visual message will have, and
• The design elements should be kept to a minimum to prevent distraction, such as, ensuring you have a clear and simple background
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Source: Best Practices in PowerPoint Diagrams Compilation PowerPoint Slides: Template Library for PowerPoint PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation Slide Deck, Affinity Consulting Partners
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PowerPoint Diagrams Compilation Consulting Frameworks Shareholder Value Strategic Thinking Strategy Development Henry Mintzberg Strategy Frameworks Globalization Data Monetization Data & Analytics Analytics Strategic Analysis Strategic Planning Team Management Employee Management Goal Setting Leadership Target Operating Model M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) Environmental Analysis Industry Analysis Chief Strategy Officer Corporate Board
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