This workshop invites the learner to compare the current state of excellence in their organization with others.
The workshop begins with an invitation for the learner to self-assess the current state of excellence in their organization by using a hard copy or electronic assessment tool. The tool describes the principles and best management practices common to high performing organizations and the respondent uses subjective and objective rating scales to reflect the current state of their organization.
Then the workshop shares a high-level overview of a unique global research study that has captured the current state of organizational excellence by size, industry sector and region and invites the learner to compare their results.
The workshop concludes with an overview of the global research study results including a description of the respondents, the aggregated average ratings on the Teaser Assessment (9 principles) and the aggregated average ratings on the Full Assessment (9 principles and 9 key management areas).
For interested learners, there is a link to the complementary and more comprehensive report.
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Source: Best Practices in Organizational Excellence PDF: How Does Your Organization Compare To Others? PDF (PDF) Document, Dawn Ringrose
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