Certified Quality Professional (CQP) is an excellent program on 'Quality Management' brought out by Quality Professionals Group (QPG). The contents of this program are now available for download on Flevy.com as different Modules. These documents in pdf consist of different lessons of the various Modules of the program.
There are 5 different modules of the program and cover the most relevant topics on quality management for current use by the industry. The program is useful both for application in the manufacturing as well as in the service sector. The language & contents of the program are well researched and are given in a format that is easy to understand & comprehend. The modules are available as separate documents as well as a bundle document.
This document is the first one of the program and covers the Module-1 titled, The Basics of Quality.
The Module covers the following topics on the subject of 'Quality':
1. History of quality
2. What, why & how of quality
3. Quality terminology
4. Quality gurus & their philosophies
Part 1: American Gurus (Dr W. Edwards Deming, Dr Joseph M. Juran, & Armand V. Feigenbaum)
Part 2: Japanese Gurus (Dr Kaoru Ishikawa, Dr Genichi Taguchi, & Dr. Shigeo Shingo)
Part 3: Western Gurus (Philip B Crosby, Tom Peters)
Part 4: Comparison of philosophies
In this document you will learn about the historical background of quality, the basic concept of quality & its relevance to various fields of work, definitions of terms related to quality and an overview of major quality concepts brought out by well-known Quality Gurus.
The details of the sub-topics covered in the document are:
Lesson 1: History of Quality
1. An Overview
2. Guilds of Medieval Europe
3. The Industrial Revolution
4. The Early 20th Century
5. World War II
6. Total Quality
7. Beyond Total Quality
Lesson 2: What, Why & How of Quality
1. Quality
What is Quality?
ISO Definition
Three Important Components of Quality
Quality in Different Areas of Society
2. Why Quality?
The Business Perspective
The Customer Perspective
3. How to Deliver Quality?
Traditional Approach
Modern Approaches
International Standards
Other Methodologies for Quality
Lesson 3: Quality Terminology
1. Quality
2. Quality management
Quality planning
Quality control
Quality assurance
Quality Improvement
3. Effectiveness
4. Efficiency
5. Total quality management
6. Other Terms
Lesson 4-1: Quality Gurus – The American Gurus
1. Who is a quality guru?
2. The gurus
3. The Americans who went to Japan
4. Dr W. Edwards Deming
Deming philosophy synopsis
Deming's system of profound knowledge
Deming's fourteen points of quality
Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases
Deming's PDCA Cycle
5. Dr Joseph M. Juran
Juran Trilogy
Juran's ten steps to Quality improvement
6. Armand V. Feigenbaum
Quality from customer's perspective
Quality Control – 4 steps
Cost of Quality
Hidden Factory
Lesson 4-2: Quality Gurus – The Japanese Gurus
1. Japanese Gurus
2. Dr Kaoru Ishikawa
Ishikawa Diagram & 7-QC Tools
Company-Wide Quality Control (CWQC)
Quality circles
3. Dr Genichi Taguchi
Taguchi's Loss Function
Robust Design
4. Dr. Shigeo Shingo
Zero QC & Poka-Yoke
SMED (single minute exchange of die)
Just in Time (JIT) Production
Lesson 4-3: Quality Gurus – The Western Gurus
1. Philip B Crosby
4 absolutes of quality
14 steps to quality improvement
2. Tom Peters
Managing by walking about (MBWA)
the McKinsey 7-S Framework
Lesson 4-4: Quality Gurus – Comparison of Philosophies
1. General
2. Deming, Juran and Crosby: Comparisons and Contrasts
Definitions of Quality
Cost, Productivity, and Competitive Success
Three Major Contrasts
Underlying Management Philosophies
Key Tools: Their Value and Limitations
Tools versus Philosophy
Measures of Improvement
Matching the Experts to Companies
3. Deming, Juran and Crosby: Common Themes/Issues
All Three Experts Propose Programs Which Are Difficult to Implement
The Leadership of Top Management Is Essential
Inspection Is Never the Answer to Superior Quality
4. Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Approach
The Module is a useful resource for professionals interested in the subject of quality. The document provides an overview of the quality as a concept and briefly provides an overview of various quality philosophies prevalent throughout the world.
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Source: Best Practices in Quality Management & Assurance PDF: Basics of Quality (CQP Module 1) PDF (PDF) Document, Quality Professionals Group
Quality Management & Assurance Total Quality Management Cost of Quality ISO 9001 Cyber Security KPI Healthcare Malcolm Baldrige Performance Management Continuous Improvement Cost Reduction Assessment Human Resources Business Basics Statistical Process Control Service Design ISO 31000 Risk Management Due Diligence Project Management Software Business Unit Strategy ISO 13485
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