Strategic Planning   53-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)

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Strategic Planning (PowerPoint PPTX)

PowerPoint (PPTX) 53 Slides


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  1. Provides a Framework of Strategic Planning
  2. Provides of Analyzing Industry Environment and Crafting Competitive Strategy
  3. Provides of Strategy Implementation and Execution


This product (Strategic Planning) is a 53-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX), which you can download immediately upon purchase.

Strategic Planning

1. Five Tasks of Strategic Planning
2. Factors Shaping the Choice of Strategy
3. Three Tests of Best Strategy
4. Analyzing Industry Environment and Crafting Competitive Strategy
5. Strategy Implementation and Execution

A strategic plan sets the course for where your company is going and how it plans to reach that destination. Unfortunately, most companies overlook the importance of developing a well thought-out strategic plan or fail to realize that companies experiencing substantial profits and growth tend to have a strong strategic plan in place and a commitment to stay the course. Just like a good road map, a solid strategic plan will help guide you and your team along the way, but more importantly, it will help you course correct if you make a wrong turn or have to take an unexpected detour.

Strategic planning is the ongoing organizational process of using available knowledge to document a business's intended direction. This process is used to prioritize efforts, effectively allocate resources, align shareholders and employees on the organization's goals, and ensure those goals are backed by data and sound reasoning. Strategic planning is an ongoing process by which an organization sets its forward course by bringing all of its stakeholders together to examine current realities and define its vision for the future.

Our experience has shown that organizational commitment (buy-in) to a company's strategic plan is the only fool-proof way to ensure everyone is pulling in the same direction toward common business goals. Thus, Affirm uses a collaborative approach, which includes a hands-on strategic planning session with all of your company's key decision-makers.

One of Affirm's experienced strategists will facilitate and guide your leadership team through the entire strategic plan process: capturing key information, initiating necessary dialogue and identifying potential stumbling blocks to ensure your company sets obtainable goals, clearly defines a path forward and sets milestones to achieve intended results.

Affirm also can provide business experts who will work with you to effectively communicate your plan throughout your organization and measure your organization's performance against your company's strategic plan.

For all organizations, a more rigorous annual planning process is critical for driving future success, profitability, value, and impact.

John Kotter, a former professor at Harvard Business School and noted expert on innovation says, "Strategy should be viewed as a dynamic force that constantly seeks opportunities, identifies initiatives that will capitalize on them, and completes those initiatives swiftly and efficiently."

There's hardly a better case that can be made for dynamic planning than in the tech industry, where mergers and acquisitions are accelerating exponentially. Companies need to be nimble enough to navigate rapid change. In this case, planning should occur quarterly.

Benefits of robust strategic planning :

1. Organizations and people are set up to succeed
2. Increased likelihood of staying on track
3. Decreased likelihood of being distracted or derailed
4. Progress through the plan is communicated throughout the organization
5. Metrics facilitate course correction
6. Budgets enterprise-wide are based on strategy
7. Cross-organization alignment
8. Robust employee performance and compensation plans
9. Commitment to learning and training
10. A robust strategic planning process gets everyone involved and invested in the organizations
11. Employees inform management about what's working or not working at the operational level
12. Innovation is encouraged and rewarded
13. Increased productivity

Best Regards,

UJ Consulting

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Source: Best Practices in Strategic Planning PowerPoint Slides: Strategic Planning PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, UJ Consulting


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Author: UJ Consulting
Additional documents from author: 203

UJ Consulting

Untung Juanto ST. , MM. Founder of UJ Consulting. He is professionally experienced business and management consultant in several local and multinational companies. [read more]

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