Marketing Management   76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)

Marketing Management (76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Marketing Management (76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Marketing Management (76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Marketing Management (76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Marketing Management (76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Marketing Management (76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Log in to unlock full preview.
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Marketing Management (PowerPoint PPTX)

PowerPoint (PPTX) 76 Slides

#1 in Marketing Plan Development $25.00

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  1. Provides a Marketing Mix and Key Marketing Activities
  2. Provides a Product Planning and Development
  3. Provides a Distribution Planning and Pricing Strategy


This product (Marketing Management) is a 76-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX), which you can download immediately upon purchase.

Marketing Management

1. Marketing Mix and Key Marketing Activities
2. Developing Market Segmentation
3. Product Planning and Development
4. Promotion Mix : Advertising, Publicity, Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
5. Distribution Planning and Pricing Strategy

Marketing management involves developing and implementing strategic marketing programs, processes, and activities that align with wider business objectives, while utilizing customer insights, tracking metrics, and optimizing internal processes to achieve success.

Marketing management is important for businesses because it ensures effective customer engagement, product appeal, and targeted campaigns that can increase profits and achieve business objectives. You could spend years getting a product ready to launch but without proper management, you would inevitably hit several stumbling blocks.

At the outset, marketing management ensures you understand what your customer desires, down to colorways and packaging. Without it, you might find your product doesn't even appeal to customers.

After spending considerable time preparing your product or service to be released, the right processes ensure it reaches your target market via the right channels at the right time. Marketing management can take your business from average to profitable. This can be accomplished when a team is able to analyze customer profiles and market share ahead of time, as well as scrutinize campaign outcomes, team performance, ROI, and costs once the project is completed.

Marketing management spans a wide range of methods, strategies, and processes, which need to be coordinated effectively to ensure success. When weaved together, these elements will raise awareness of and generate ROI for your brand:

1. Marketing strategy: Your organization's plan for reaching prospects and converting them into customers
2. Business development: Strategic initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions, business transformation, and entering new markets
3. Brand management: Techniques to increase the perceived value of a brand over time
4. Product development: The process of bringing a new product to market
5. International marketing: Managing international distribution channels
6. Media relations: Engaging with media and influencers to spread the word about your organization
7. Customer marketing: Managing the customer experience to improve satisfaction and reduce churn
8. Marketing operations: Managing marketing processes, technology, and data
9. Sales: Generating leads, developing opportunities, and closing deals

Strategic marketing management often starts with a brand audit, which will allow a company to ask and answer several questions that can help direct the future strategy. A company should seek to understand the following about their present situation:

How is its current brand strategy working?
What are its strengths and weaknesses with regard to resources and expertise?
What opportunities and threats does it face?
How do its pricing and costs compare to competitors?
What strategic issues might be facing the company?

Best regards,

UJ Consulting

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Source: Best Practices in Marketing Plan Development PowerPoint Slides: Marketing Management PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, UJ Consulting


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Author: UJ Consulting
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UJ Consulting

Untung Juanto ST. , MM. Founder of UJ Consulting. He is professionally experienced business and management consultant in several local and multinational companies. [read more]

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