Kaizen Methodology Overview:
Kaizen is a Japanese term that translates to "change for the better" and is used as a continuous improvement method. A Kaizen represents a focused effort by a team to make quick but meaningful improvements to a defined area of a business process. Kaizens are improvement events where people work on a focused improvement only for a few days, a full week or possibly two weeks. There can be "levels of Kaizens" from easy to difficult/complex. In a traditional Kaizen project, the employees from a particular work area meet with a few experts for four or five days straight and complete most or all of an improvement cycle on a narrowly targeted high-priority issue. Kaizens, if done properly, can be the quickest and most effective tool for improvement in a wide variety of processes.
What This Course Provides:
This 90-page course, part of our Professional Grade series of training, is the most comprehensive and detailed Kaizen Facilitator, team, and management training available. We firmly believe you cannot find a more knowledgeable and results-oriented Kaizen/Kaizen Facilitator training course anywhere! This course provides learners with a thorough understanding of the terminology and methodology associated with Kaizens. It is presented in FranklinGood's comprehensive and highly visual learning format. This course will help learners perform Kaizens from pre-planning through post-event monitoring and sustainment.
It includes an Excel-based Kaizen pre-event, during the event, and post-event planning and control tool. Included are modifiable templates for activities and timeframes for the overall event and modifiable detailed templates for daily Kaizen activities down to the minute. Each role from senior management to the Kaizen Facilitator and down to the individual team members is defined and explained. Using this knowledge solution will open the door for you to a full suite of knowledge solutions from FranklinGood related to Kaizens such as process analysis tools and visual management tools should you need them.
Learning Objectives:
Macro Learning Objective 1 – To develop Kaizen planning and facilitation skills including:
1. Understanding the Kaizen philosophy and types of Kaizens.
2. Planning and organizing Kaizen events thru three phases of activity.
3. Teaching Kaizen principles and tools to team members.
4. Engaging and guiding team members thru the Kaizen improvement process to find root causes and implement sustainable countermeasures to achieve the high-level goal(s) of the Kaizen.
Macro Learning Objective 2 – To be able to support a team effort for the completion of eight essential Kaizen event deliverables:
1. Identify root cause analysis to process problems and their countermeasures.
2. Lean waste elimination.
3. Workflow characterization and value stream documentation.
4. Sustainable good housekeeping practices (5S).
5. Lean visual management system.
6. A Control plan for sustainment.
7. Imbed Lean thinking and continuous improvement knowledge to enable the affected processes to continually improve.
8. Create a Kaizen Newspaper to document important actions that could not be completed during the Kaizen Event.
1. Your Kaizens will be more successful, and success breeds success – this knowledge solution will stimulate your overall continuous improvement efforts.
2. The ability to fully understand the end-to-end Kaizen Event process to plan, execute and sustain a result-oriented Kaizen.
3. The ability to understand and communicate the roles and responsibilities of management, Kaizen Facilitators, and team members.
4. Significant reduction in non-valued activities (waste) existing in the process under investigation.
5. Defined and measurable key process metrics to sustain the gains from the Kaizen.
6. Excel-based planning tools for pre-event, during the event, and post-event activities.
7. Modifiable charts and planning tools for the overall event down to the minute-by-minute activities of the team members.
Train the Trainer Services:
Train the Trainer services can be conducted via virtual or on-site for this course. Please request details and pricing by emailing your request to the author after purchase.
The course also includes a detailed pre-Kaizen workflow and a comprehensive Kaizen event preparation charter. These tools ensure meticulous planning and execution of Kaizen events, driving impactful and lasting improvements.
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Source: Best Practices in Kaizen PowerPoint Slides: Kaizen Facilitator PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation Slide Deck, FranklinGood
Kaizen Operational Excellence Lean Management Process Improvement Hoshin Kanri 5S Quality Management & Assurance Continuous Improvement Lean Daily Management System Leadership Pyramid Principle Consulting Frameworks Presentation Development Cost of Quality Healthcare Cost Reduction Assessment Value Stream Mapping A3 Strategy Deployment & Execution Strategic Planning Takt Time Just in Time Gemba Walk Value Chain Analysis Employee Management
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