Effectively track and manage your consulting services with this structured system, ensuring well-organized client records, seamless service logging, and insightful performance analysis.
Define and maintain a list of business segments relevant to your clients. These segments will be referenced in the "Client Registration" tab, allowing you to categorize clients based on their industry or field of operation. Keeping this list updated ensures consistency in classification and improves reporting accuracy.
Client Data
Register and manage your clients in a structured format. Specify whether each client is an individual or a legal entity, and provide key details such as:
Business segment
Primary contact name
Full address
Preferred contact methods
Maintaining an accurate client database streamlines service tracking and enhances communication efficiency.
Consulting Data
Record each consulting service provided, capturing all essential details, including:
Client Name (selected from the registered list)
Service Date
Service Amount
Payment Status (received or pending)
Brief Summary of the service provided
A well-documented service log ensures transparency and improves financial tracking.
Monitor your consulting activities through an interactive dashboard featuring key performance indicators and graphical insights. This section helps you track:
Services provided per client
Revenue streams (received and pending payments)
Overall service count
Analyze your consulting operations with detailed reports. Use filters to refine the data by:
Client Name
Year of Service
Business Segment (industry or field of operation)
This reporting feature provides a comprehensive view of your services, financials, and client distribution, allowing for data-driven decision-making.
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Source: Best Practices in Consulting Sales Excel: Consulting Services Control Spreadsheet Excel (XLSX) Spreadsheet, Hafiz Ali
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