Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters   16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)

Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters (16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters (16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters (16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters (16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters (16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters (16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)) Preview Image Flevy is the marketplace for business best practices.
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Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters (PowerPoint PPTX)

PowerPoint (PPTX) 16 Slides

This presentation includes insights from a World HRD Congress Change Leader of Tomorrow awardee who has 50 years of experience in over 30 industry sectors, implementing 30 technologies in over 20 countries.
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  1. Provides a "bite size" guide to Detecting Change Resisters
  2. For those that prefer a "quick hit" of relevant Change Management information
  3. Simple and practical with no unnecessary "trivial" information


This product (Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters) is a 16-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTX), which you can download immediately upon purchase.

Bite-Size Change from the Highway of Change is a series of documents that provide different aspects of change at a very simple level and practical level. They are not supposed to be full-blown, all-singing, all-dancing guides to Change Management and how it should be practiced. What they are meant to be are "quick reference guides" which are easy to understand when you want a prompt about certain change activities. These are the kind of documents you can reference easily at any time either when you're in need of inspiration, if someone asks you about the subject, have handy at meetings or just generally have them at your disposal for your own specific purposes.

This slide deck contains 12 slides 16 of which relate to the core subject … an Introduction slide followed by individual slides on That seems risky, Let's go back to the basics, It worked before, We're fine just the way we are, There's no threat, That's not in our core competence, The numbers don't work, It's a slippery slope and There will be unforeseen consequences.

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Source: Best Practices in Change Management PowerPoint Slides: Bite-Size Change - Detecting Change Resisters PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, The Highway of Change

This presentation includes insights from a World HRD Congress Change Leader of Tomorrow awardee who has 50 years of experience in over 30 industry sectors, implementing 30 technologies in over 20 countries.
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Additional documents from author: 86

The Highway of Change is me . . . Ron Leeman.

I am a seasoned (that means older), well rounded (that doesn't mean overweight) multi-faceted (both from a business and personal perspective), dedicated and ethical professional who has an enviable track record of achievement.

I have been a Change, Process and Project professional since 1974. [read more]

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