The understanding of Basic Statistics and the acquired skill set to describe the key facets of data sets is essential for effective problem solving, decision making, and participating in a business effort. This course focuses on the metrics of descriptive statistics by providing a set of tools and methods used for performing data analysis to aid us in obtaining insights and understanding data. Additionally, learners are given a working probability and how it relates to data. This course prepares students for readily learning inferential statistics as well. Learners will get a comprehensive understanding of basic statistics from the types of data through the use of standard deviations to quantify variation in a data set.
What This Course Provides
This 52-page course provides learners with a thorough understanding of the terminology and methodology associated with basic statistics. It provides a full understanding of "population" vs "sampling" data and the symbols to represent it. It includes exercises and practice sessions to deepen the learning experience. This course provides learners with all of the descriptive statistical analysis metrics along with an understanding of the different types of data, basic probability, and the behavior of processes to generate data. Learners receive a detailed understanding of the metrics and how they are collectively used to gather insights, see patterns and be able to communicate the effects of the data. It is presented in FranklinGood's comprehensive and highly visual learning format. This course will help learners solve problems by obtaining numerous insights from raw data?and they are exposed to multiple statistical methods ensuring they can find the "gold nuggets" in mountains of data.
Learning Objectives
• Learn the terminology used in basic statistics.
• Learn the two types of data (qualitative and quantitative including nominal, ordinal, discrete, and – continuous data).
• To Understand the difference between sampling data and the total population of data.
• Learn the concepts of central tendency of data (mean, mode, median).
• Learn the effects of variation in data and how to describe it (min, max, range, standard deviation).
• To be able to describe the essence of the data and gain insights with only a small amount of somewhat abstract data formulas.
• To be able to communicate facts and figures more effectively.
• To understand how processes generate data, how to categorize that data, and learn from it to improve process performance.
• To understand the basics of probability and how to apply it to process improvement.
• To prepare the learner for an ever-expanding information world.
Extended Benefits from this Course
Our approach to basic statistics is very comprehensive. It prepares learners for a number of additional topics related to data-oriented problem solving and decision making. We demonstrate how data sets contain information and often tell a story, and how to interpret data sets for valuable insights. This course helps learners find order out of data chaos with easy-to-learn and easy-to-apply descriptive metrics to enable a much more rapid review, assimilation, and understanding of data.
Train the Trainer Services
Train the Trainer services can be conducted via virtual or on-site for this course. Please request details and pricing by emailing your request to the address found within the course.
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Source: Best Practices in Problem Solving, Decision Making PowerPoint Slides: Basic Statistics and Probability PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, FranklinGood
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