This is the first module in a 3-module program on Strategic Leadership (part of the Flevy Executive Learning series). This module is focused on The Business Evolution Matrix.
This module includes the following:
• 2 presentations
• 2 30-min online seminar recordings (associated with the presentations)
• 2 sets of Implementation Checklists and Challenge Questions/Scenarios (associated with the presentations)
• 1 45-min Q&A session
• An in-depth 7-page whitepaper discussing the 16 steps to achieving Strategic Leadership
The above partial preview is only for 1 of the presentations.
Aspiring to be a Strategic Leader is fiercely 'outcome' oriented. It also places a premium on creativity as well as being visionary and intuitive about the future. It was the well-known American philosopher and writer, Arnold Glasow, who is quoted as having said, 'The only problem with the future is that it is usually here before we are ready.' Strategic Leaders make sure they are ready – that their organization's world-class 'information sensing system' is providing the 360-degree view in the right depth to identify emerging trends, changing customer requirements, evolution of technology to the next level and more.
As a consequence, every organization – every Strategic Leader MUST ensure that their organization – that their Business Model evolves lest the organization run aground or become prematurely extinct.
Strategic Leaders are identified often by the quality of the questions they ask – their relentless pursuit of 'what's next.' They want to know, 'where do we go from here?' They ask themselves and the Leadership Team, 'What can we do differently or better starting tomorrow to make this a more long-term successful organization?'
The challenge is often in the answering of questions such as these. Dr. Ted Marra has had some 44 years experience living and working in over 40 countries around the globe assisting in excess of 160 organization of every description. During that time he has been confronted with such challenges by the select few Strategic Leaders he has encountered. These individuals, exhibiting a compelling yet appropriate sense of action ask the obvious question, 'How do we start?'
Here is a scenario, one of many different ones, to ponder. Suppose your organization is one of the most successful 'systems integrators' in the world, globally recognized for your cloud technology expertise. Yet as you look ahead you see a market that is becoming increasingly saturated – choked with competition as everyone wants to board this fast moving train of 'cloud technology' advances to make themselves the new leader in the industry. You firmly believe, intuitively and with your keen strategic sense of the future trends, that 'cloud technology' will be an increasingly difficult market to ensure the kind of profitable growth you believe your organization is capable of and your stakeholders deserve. You need to evolve as an organization.
This Module, provides a global proprietary best practice approach to dealing with this issue of organizational evolution – where do we go from here? Where can we go from here? Take the voyage to place you have probably not visited yet, but soon could be faced with – namely answering those key questions just mentioned. Find out a simple, yet essentially unknown methodology to achieve the outcome you want – finding out where you go from here. Its power is in its simplicity. The global proprietary best practice discussed won't be found in any text book, journal article or coming from the mouth of your favourite academic. Discover, learn and apply the secrets of this Module to ensure your organization has a place in the future that it deserves – not one which it has to settle for because it did not explore the options effectively.
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Source: Best Practices in Leadership PowerPoint Slides: Strategic Leadership - Business Evolution Matrix (PPT + Video) PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation Slide Deck, Dr. Ted Marra
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