Digital Transformation is being embraced by organizations of all sizes across most industries. In the Digital Age today, technology creates new opportunities and fundamentally transforms businesses in all aspects—operations, business models, strategies. It not only enables the business, but also drives its growth and can be a source of Competitive Advantage. The global Digital Transformation market size is expected to grow to $3.8B by 2030.
This market intelligence report captures the state of the Digital Transformation function and industry as of June 2022. This report is organized into the following sections:
• Overview – This section presents an overview of the market, along with key statistics and facts.
• Trends & Disruptions – We include a breakdown of key trends (DX spend, business model changes) and disruptions (Blockchain, Web 3.0).
• Digital Transformation Technology Solutions – This section includes tabulation of 10 DX technology solutions, as well as key solution vendors operating in that space
• Impact of COVID-19 – COVID-19 has undoubtedly accelerated Digital Transformation by decades. This section presents data on the impact of COVID-19 by industry, by country, on key business metrics, on customer interactions, and in relation to relevant aspects.
• Digital Transformation Consulting – Here, we look at the benefits of hiring a DX consultant and the top DX players.
• Additional Resources – We included recommendations for additional resources on DX. These include resources from Flevy, books, blogs, and paid reports.
Gain a strong, foundational understanding of the Digital Transformation function and industry through this market intelligence report. This report is available as an editable PowerPoint presentation, as well as PDF (supplemental document).
This report highlights key benefits of adopting digital models, such as improving operational efficiency and meeting changing customer expectations. It also provides insights on the projected growth in digital transformation spending, expected to reach $2.8 trillion by 2025.
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Source: Best Practices in Digital Transformation PowerPoint Slides: Digital Transformation - Intelligence Report (June 2022) PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation Slide Deck, FlevyIntel
Digital Transformation Consulting Frameworks Customer Experience Mobile Strategy Robotic Process Automation Big Data Shareholder Value Process Improvement Customer Decision Journey Corporate Social Responsibility Ideation Bitcoin Service Design Innovation Management Gap Analysis Organizational Design Consulting Training Creativity B2B Business Ethics Sustainability Pricing Strategy Strategic Analysis Strategic Thinking Strategic Planning Strategy Frameworks Chief Strategy Officer Strategy Development Henry Mintzberg Growth Strategy Breakout Strategy Sales Cyber Security Business Transformation Blockchain
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