Here are several sample Supply Chain Planning requirements:
• How can skill-level changes improve Supply Chain Planning?
• How do you use Supply Chain Planning data and information to support organizational decision making and innovation?
• How are the Supply Chain Planning's objectives aligned to the organization's overall business strategy?
• What other areas of the organization might benefit from the Supply Chain Planning team's improvements, knowledge, and learning?
• What sources do you use to gather information for a Supply Chain Planning study?
• How to Secure Supply Chain Planning?
• How do you assess your Supply Chain Planning workforce capability and capacity needs, including skills, competencies, and staffing levels?
Why Own The Supply Chain Planning Self-Assessment?
The Supply Chain Planning Self-Assessment will make you a Supply Chain Planning domain expert by:
• Reducing the effort in the Supply Chain Planning work to be done to get problems solved
• Ensuring that plans of action include every Supply Chain Planning task and that every Supply Chain Planning outcome is in place
• Saving time investigating strategic and tactical options and ensuring Supply Chain Planning opportunity costs are low
• Delivering tailored Supply Chain Planning advise instantly with structured going-forward plans
All the tools you need to an in-depth Supply Chain Planning Self-Assessment. The Self Assessment tool is a comprehensive dashboard built in MS Excel. It ensures you don't miss anything with 767 criteria in 7 RDMAICS (Recognize, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control and Sustain) steps with easy and quick navigating and answering for 1-10 participants.
The above preview showcases an example of a completed version. The secondary document includes a blank template, as well as a detailed 140 page PDF guide. The guide provides a convenient way to distribute and share among the participants to prepare and discuss the Self Assessment.
The template includes a comprehensive RACI matrix to streamline role assignments and ensure accountability. Visual data representations such as spider charts and bar graphs provide clear insights into process area responses and participant answers.
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Source: Best Practices in Supply Chain Analysis Excel: Assessment Dashboard - Supply Chain Planning Excel (XLSX) Spreadsheet, Gerard Blokdijk
Supply Chain Analysis Sales & Operations Planning Supply Chain Sustainability Warehouse Management KPI Procurement Strategy Operational Excellence Business Resilience Supply Chain Resilience Demand Planning Sustainability SCOR Model Scenario Planning Strategic Planning Product Lifecycle Product Strategy Costing ERP Inventory Management
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