A3 and PDCA Problem Solving Overview
A3 problem solving creates a standardized approach to problem-solving that is simple to use and learn, yet it uses "scientific" approaches versus opinions and anecdotes for problem-solving. A3 problem solving can be used every day by everyone in the organization. It is also very effective for solving problems that do not require the power and dedication of LSS projects or Kaizen techniques to solve. PDCA involves a method of planning, doing, checking, and taking actions. This course uniquely combines these two methods to be synergistic. In fact, combining the power of these two methods together in one course has proven to be the most effective way to learn these two problem-solving methods.
What This Course Provides
This 19-page course provides learners with a thorough understanding of the terminology and methodology associated with A3 and PDCA problem-solving. It is presented in FranklinGood's comprehensive and highly visual learning format. This course will help learners organize their thoughts, approaches, and methods for solving a vast variety of problems. Learners will be guided step-by-step through each of the 8 steps in the A3 while simultaneously using PDCA methods. Learners will be able to organize their approaches and simplify their efforts to create easy-to-communicate solutions. Examples and detailed steps are included. Also, a blank, user fillable A3 form is included. This course can set an organization on an effective problem-solving method that every employee can participate in.
Learning Objectives
• Learn the A3 scientific problem-solving method step-by-step.
• Learn the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology to problem-solving.
• Learn how to combine the PDCA methodology with the A3 approach to maximize your problem-solving skills.
• Learn the many applications for using the A3 problem-solving method.
• Learn how to expand your continuous improvement efforts to all employees thru A3 and PDCA problem-solving.
Our approach to A3 and PDCA enhances the learner's knowledge of both of these methods while learning how to use them together. Problem-solving and solutioning is greatly enhanced. These approaches can be standardized across the enterprise to create an effective continuous improvement effort, possibly filling a gap in capability.
When employees learn the A3 and PDCA problem-solving method, some very important things tend to occur:
• A common base of knowledge and understanding is quickly developed.
• Every employee can become a contributor/problem solver.
• The format and methods of the A3/PDCA approach makes communication about problem-solving/solutioning clear and easily understandable.
• Consensus is reached with less conflict.
• Action and results are more easily obtained due to the interactions, team effort and common understanding.
Train the Trainer Services
Train the Trainer services can be conducted via virtual or on-site for this course. Please request details and pricing by emailing your request to: .
Extended Benefits from this Course
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Source: Best Practices in A3, PDCA PowerPoint Slides: A3 and PDCA Problem Solving PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation Slide Deck, FranklinGood
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