Supply Chain "resilience" is the Supply Chain's ability to respond and recover quickly to potential disruptions. It can return to its original situation or grow by moving to a new, more desirable state in order to increase customer service, market share, and financial performance.
Resilience is currently an increasing concern in Supply Chain caused by globalization and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Supply Chain is globally being subject to diverse types of disturbances. The largest disruption to global Supply Chains in modern history is the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, followed by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. With the rising level of logistical complexity, the resiliency of the Supply Chain has not kept pace. These disturbances need to be handled in the right way, compelling the use of tools and approaches that can support resilient Supply Chain decisions.
In an increasingly networked world, Supply Risk Management is top of mind in global organizations as well as key differentiator for leading Value Chain organizations.
This presentation provides businesses the essential approach to improving Supply Chain Resilience. Through proper understanding and planning of increased risks of disruptions from events, reconfiguring of Supply Chain can be achieved. There is a 5-step approach that can be used to reconfigure the Supply Chain.
1. Identify Strategic Objectives.
2. Map Supply Chain Vulnerabilities.
3. Integrate Risk Awareness into Supply Chain Design.
4. Monitor Supply Chain Resiliency.
5. Track Risk Management Warning Signs.
Building the organization's capability to implement a 5-step approach to reconfiguring the Supply Chain will keep the organization's Supply Chain Resilient, efficient, and profitable.
This deck also includes slide templates for you to use within your own business presentations.
The PPT delves into the strategic integration of Crisis Management and Business Continuity, enabling organizations to face a wide range of risks. It highlights the increasing risk of Supply Chain disruptions and provides a comprehensive approach to mitigate these challenges.
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Source: Best Practices in Supply Chain Management, Risk Management, Business Resilience PowerPoint Slides: Supply Chain Resilience PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, LearnPPT Consulting
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