What is Value Analysis? It is an orderly and creative method to increase the value of an item. This “item” can be a product, a system, a process, a procedure, a plan, a machine, equipment, tool , a service or a method of working. Value Analysis, also called Functional Analysis, was created by L.D. Miles […]
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With Proper Value Analysis, Cost Reduction Is Guaranteed
ISO 9001
Thousands of companies in over 100 countries have adopted ISO 9001 as their quality management standard. Many more are pursuing this certification. Well, why is this? ISO 9001 helps an organization assure quality and save money. Plus, customers expect it. ISO 9001 applies to all types of organizations. This professionally-developed presentation can be used to […]
Kaizen refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous process improvement in manufacturing, engineering, and business management. This training presentation is specifically designed for managers, supervisors, facilitators, and continuous improvement steering committees who want to kick-start and implement Kaizen activities in their work areas to improve productivity and customer value. This presentation includes: The […]