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KPI Library
Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Why use the KPI Library?

Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.

This vast range of KPIs across various industries and functions offers the flexibility to tailor Performance Management and Measurement to the unique aspects of your organization, ensuring more precise monitoring and management.

Each KPI in the KPI Library includes 12 attributes:

  • KPI definition
  • Potential business insights [?]
  • Measurement approach/process [?]
  • Standard formula [?]
  • Trend analysis [?]
  • Diagnostic questions [?]
  • Actionable tips [?]
  • Visualization suggestions [?]
  • Risk warnings [?]
  • Tools & technologies [?]
  • Integration points [?]
  • Change impact [?]
It is designed to enhance Strategic Decision Making and Performance Management for executives and business leaders. Our KPI Library serves as a resource for identifying, understanding, and maintaining relevant competitive performance metrics.

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We have 50 KPIs on ISO 20000 in our database. For ISO 20000, KPIs are essential to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of IT services management. They offer insights into service delivery, incident handling, and customer satisfaction, aiding in ensuring that IT services align with business needs and international best practices.

These KPIs help in identifying service bottlenecks, improving response times, and optimizing resource allocation. They also play a vital role in measuring the alignment of IT services with overall business objectives, ensuring that IT investments contribute to business growth. Furthermore, KPIs under ISO 20000 assist in demonstrating compliance with international standards, enhancing the organization's reputation for quality IT service management.

  Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.
KPI Definition Business Insights [?] Measurement Approach Standard Formula
Audit Compliance Rate

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The percentage of compliance with internal and external audit requirements. Reflects the organization's adherence to internal and external standards, policies, and regulations, indicating areas requiring attention to avoid non-compliance risks. Percentage of audits passed versus total audits conducted. (Number of Successful Audits / Total Number of Audits) * 100
Capacity Utilization Rate

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The percentage of the IT capacity that is being utilized compared to the total available capacity. Indicates how efficiently IT resources are being used and helps in planning for capacity scaling. Measures the actual usage of IT capacity against the maximum possible usage. (Total Used Capacity / Total Available Capacity) * 100
Change Lead Time

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The average time from the initiation of a change to its implementation. Assesses the efficiency of the change management process, showing how quickly the IT team can respond to changing requirements. Tracks the time from the request for change until the change is fully implemented. Total Time Taken from Change Request to Implementation / Total Number of Changes
KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 50 KPIs under ISO 20000
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

Change Success Rate

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The proportion of changes implemented successfully without causing disruptions or incidents. Shows the effectiveness of change management processes and helps in minimizing the risk of disruptions due to changes. Calculates the percentage of changes implemented successfully without causing incidents. (Number of Successful Changes / Total Number of Changes) * 100
Cost per Incident

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The average cost associated with resolving each incident, including labor, resources, and overhead. Provides insights into the cost-efficiency of incident management and helps identify opportunities for cost optimization. Tracks the total cost associated with resolving each incident. Total Incident Management Costs / Total Number of Incidents
Cost per Service Request

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The average cost incurred in fulfilling each service request. Indicates the efficiency and the financial impact of service request handling processes. Considers the total cost involved in fulfilling each service request. Total Service Request Fulfillment Costs / Total Number of Service Requests

Types of ISO 20000 KPIs

We can categorize ISO 20000 KPIs into the following types:

Service Quality KPIs

Service Quality KPIs measure the effectiveness and efficiency of IT service delivery in alignment with ISO 20000 standards. These KPIs help ensure that services meet agreed-upon service levels and customer expectations. When selecting these KPIs, focus on metrics that directly impact customer satisfaction and service reliability. Examples include First Call Resolution Rate and Service Availability.

Operational Efficiency KPIs

Operational Efficiency KPIs assess how well IT processes and resources are utilized to deliver services. These KPIs aim to identify areas for cost reduction and process improvement. Prioritize KPIs that highlight bottlenecks and resource wastage to streamline operations. Examples include Incident Resolution Time and Change Success Rate.

Compliance KPIs

Compliance KPIs track adherence to ISO 20000 standards and other regulatory requirements. These KPIs ensure that the organization remains compliant with industry norms and avoids penalties. Select KPIs that cover critical compliance areas such as audit findings and policy adherence. Examples include Number of Non-Conformities and Compliance Audit Pass Rate.

Customer Satisfaction KPIs

Customer Satisfaction KPIs measure the level of satisfaction among users and stakeholders with IT services. These KPIs are crucial for understanding user experience and identifying areas for service improvement. Focus on KPIs that provide direct feedback from users, such as Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Financial Performance KPIs

Financial Performance KPIs evaluate the financial aspects of IT service management, including cost efficiency and budget adherence. These KPIs help in managing IT budgets and ensuring cost-effective service delivery. Choose KPIs that provide insights into financial health, such as Cost Per Incident and IT Budget Variance.

Acquiring and Analyzing ISO 20000 KPI Data

Organizations typically rely on a mix of internal and external sources to gather data for ISO 20000 KPIs. Internal sources include IT service management tools like ServiceNow, BMC Remedy, and Jira, which provide detailed analytics on service performance and operational metrics. External sources can include industry benchmarks and reports from consulting firms such as Gartner and Forrester, which offer valuable insights into industry standards and best practices.

Once data is acquired, the next step is to analyze it to derive actionable insights. Utilize data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI to create dashboards that highlight key performance indicators and trends. These tools help in identifying patterns and anomalies that may require attention. According to Gartner, organizations that effectively use data analytics tools can improve their decision-making processes by up to 30%.

Advanced analytics techniques such as predictive analytics and machine learning can also be employed to forecast future performance and identify potential issues before they escalate. For instance, predictive analytics can help in anticipating service outages based on historical incident data. McKinsey reports that organizations leveraging advanced analytics can achieve up to 20% improvement in operational efficiency.

Regularly review and update KPIs to ensure they remain aligned with organizational goals and ISO 20000 requirements. Engage stakeholders in the KPI selection and review process to ensure that the metrics are relevant and provide meaningful insights. According to Deloitte, organizations that involve stakeholders in KPI management are more likely to achieve their performance objectives.

KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 50 KPIs under ISO 20000
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

FAQs on ISO 20000 KPIs

What are the most important KPIs for ISO 20000 compliance?

The most important KPIs for ISO 20000 compliance include Number of Non-Conformities, Compliance Audit Pass Rate, and Policy Adherence Rate. These KPIs help ensure that the organization meets ISO 20000 standards and avoids regulatory penalties.

How can I measure service quality in ISO 20000?

Service quality in ISO 20000 can be measured using KPIs such as First Call Resolution Rate, Service Availability, and Incident Resolution Time. These metrics provide insights into the effectiveness and reliability of IT services.

What tools are commonly used to track ISO 20000 KPIs?

Common tools used to track ISO 20000 KPIs include IT service management platforms like ServiceNow, BMC Remedy, and Jira. Data visualization tools like Tableau and Power BI are also used to create dashboards and reports.

How often should ISO 20000 KPIs be reviewed?

ISO 20000 KPIs should be reviewed on a regular basis, typically monthly or quarterly, to ensure they remain aligned with organizational goals and ISO 20000 requirements. Regular reviews help in identifying areas for improvement and making data-driven decisions.

What is the role of customer satisfaction KPIs in ISO 20000?

Customer satisfaction KPIs play a crucial role in ISO 20000 by providing insights into user experience and identifying areas for service improvement. Metrics like Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) are commonly used.

How can predictive analytics be used in ISO 20000 KPI management?

Predictive analytics can be used in ISO 20000 KPI management to forecast future performance and identify potential issues before they escalate. Techniques such as machine learning can help anticipate service outages based on historical data.

What are some common challenges in managing ISO 20000 KPIs?

Common challenges in managing ISO 20000 KPIs include data quality issues, lack of stakeholder engagement, and misalignment with organizational goals. Addressing these challenges requires a robust data governance framework and regular KPI reviews.

How do financial performance KPIs align with ISO 20000?

Financial performance KPIs align with ISO 20000 by evaluating the cost efficiency and budget adherence of IT service management. Metrics like Cost Per Incident and IT Budget Variance help in managing IT budgets and ensuring cost-effective service delivery.

KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 50 KPIs under ISO 20000
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

Download our FREE Complete Guides to KPIs

This is a set of 4 detailed whitepapers on KPI master. These guides delve into over 250+ essential KPIs that drive organizational success in Strategy, Human Resources, Innovation, and Supply Chain. Each whitepaper also includes specific case studies and success stories to add in KPI understanding and implementation.