Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video)   25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)

Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) (25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) (25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) (25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) (25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) (25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) (25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Log in to unlock full preview.
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Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) (PowerPoint PPT)

PowerPoint (PPT) + Zip archive file (ZIP) 25 Slides


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This product (Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making [PPT + Video]) is a 25-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT) with a supplemental Zip archive file document, which you can download immediately upon purchase.

This is the third module in a 3-module program on Strategic Leadership (part of the Flevy Executive Learning series). This module is focused on Hyper-Decision Making.

This module includes the following:
•  2 presentations
•  2 30-min online seminar recordings (associated with the presentations)
•  2 sets of Implementation Checklists and Challenge Questions/Scenarios (associated with the presentations)
•  1 45-min Q&A session
•  An in-depth 7-page whitepaper discussing the 16 steps to achieving Strategic Leadership
•  A presentation introducing the Idea Book concept

The above partial preview is only for 1 of the presentations.

If my almost 45 years of working around the world with organizations of every type have taught me anything, it is that decision making is taken for granted. With the fact that the operating environment of every organization is changing at a faster pace than ever and the changes are often having more impact than ever before not to mention the almost continuous turbulence of markets, the need to make better and faster decisions is not just critical to future success but critical to survival.

The discussion on Hyper-Decision Making is meant to sound an alarm in senior management's ears that with every passing day more significant decisions are having to be made—ones affecting more people, facilities, plans/strategies and more—all in the face of increasing risk. Consequently, most organizations today experience a significantly higher "cost of lost opportunity" associated with their decision making.

This is all going on at a time when research shows only 14% of organizations have a formal decision- making process and follow it consistently!

What this Module on Hyper-Decision Making was meant to highlight is that decision making can no longer be just a zero-sum game—getting it right half the time and missing the mark the other half. The need for what I have called "optimal" decisions being made at least 80% of the time and these decisions being made at least 50% faster with the aid of a world-class "sensing system" like the "whiskers of a cat" providing a continuous flow of the vital data and information properly analyzed, interpreted and reported being a critical success factor to grow and prosper as an organization. The 9 factors that will also influence your capability as an organization to be excellent at decision making need to be understood and developed to be their best.

Find out what you have been missing that could make your organization much more agile and build its capability to adapt to almost constant change more effectively and efficiently.

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Source: Best Practices in Decision Making PowerPoint Slides: Strategic Leadership - Hyper-Decision Making (PPT + Video) PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation, Dr. Ted Marra


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Author: Dr. Ted Marra
Additional documents from author: 3

Dr. Ted Marra is a strategic facilitator, organizational mentor, and writer. He has consulted with over 160 organizations in 40 countries during the past 44 years and has guided transformation initiatives in some of the world's most prominent companies, such as Xerox, Shell, IBM, Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Johnson & Johnson, DuPont, Electrolux as well as government agencies, SMEs, and NGOs. [read more]

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