The Lean Shop Floor Yellow Belt Series are designed and developed in a very simple way so that the shop floor staff with little or no formal education can understand.
There are 8 modules namely:
1. Apply Lean Practices
2. Apply 5S Pinnciples
3. Undertake Root Cause Analysis
4. Apply Cost Factors
5. Apply Quick Changeovers
6. Apply JIT Principles
7. Apply TPM Principles
8. Sustain Process Improvements
This module Apply 5S Principles covers the following:
What 5S is
The benefits of 5S
What happens in each stage of 5S
How to prepare for 5S
Understand the benefits of ?Sorting?
Identify ?essential? and ?non-essential? items
Set up a ?red tag? area
Conduct a ?red tag? activity
Monitor your progress
Understand the benefits of ?Setting in Order?
Understand workflow and ergonomics
Understand ?visual controls?
Improve your work area by ?Setting it in Order?
Understand what ?Shining? is
Understand the benefits of ?Shining?
Be able to undertake initial cleaning
Be able to undertake regular cleaning and inspection
Be able to keep records and monitor your progress
Understand what ?Standardising? is
Understand the benefits of ?Standardising?
Take responsibility for 5S
Make 5S part of standard procedures
Audit 5S
Understand the benefits of ?Sustaining?
Identify methods for Sustaining
Monitor your 5S progress
• Group activities included.
• Total number of slides = 80
You can also buy all the 8 modules at a discounted price. Pl look for "Shop Floor Series – All in 1"
This presentation also includes practical exercises to reinforce learning and ensure participants can apply 5S principles effectively. Real-world examples and visual aids are used to illustrate key concepts, making it easier for your team to grasp and implement 5S in their daily routines. The module emphasizes continuous improvement and accountability, ensuring that 5S becomes an integral part of your operational culture. This hands-on approach will drive efficiency and productivity on your shop floor, leading to tangible business results.
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Source: Best Practices in 5S, Shop Floor PowerPoint Slides: Lean Shop Floor YB Series - 2. Apply 5S Principles PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation Slide Deck, OpEx Academy NZ
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Lean Shop Floor / Yellow Belt Training Series - 8 Modules
This bundle contains 8 total documents. See all the documents to the right.
5S Lean Management Process Improvement Lean Office Takt Time Operational Excellence Quality Management & Assurance Business Plan Development Competitive Advantage Core Competencies Process Analysis Employee Training Training within Industry Audit Management Kaizen
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