For executives in Industrial Sector-related industries (manufacturing, chemicals, life sciences, automotive, and construction, etc.), artificial intelligence and generative AI are revolutionizing all manufacturing processes, including research, product design, and predictive maintenance. AI enables automation of complex tasks, optimizes supply chains, and facilitates the development of innovative materials and products. Staying informed on AI technology trends, use cases, and challenges empowers these executives to enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and improve product quality. This knowledge is crucial for managing cybersecurity risks, ensuring regulatory compliance, and driving the responsible adoption of AI across the organization, ultimately delivering superior products and services to their customers.
This excel file provides an index to 96 thought leadership articles/reports regarding Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI that have been handpicked for those executives within the Industrial sector and related industries, including manufacturing, chemicals, life sciences, automotive, and construction. Almost all reports and articles listed were published during the period January 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025.
The linked articles/reports were published by credible sources that perform rigorous research and analysis. Example sources (and number of links to articles/reports) Accenture (4), Bain (1), BCG (7), Forrester (1), Deloitte (6), Gartner (11), IBM and IBM Institute for Business Value (8), IDC (10), Kearney (1), KPMG (3), and McKinsey (18).
The links also take you to articles on Industrial sector industry use cases (38), how to scale adoption (27), trends/predictions (17), GenAI (39), Supply Chain (23), Innovation (9), and other topics.
Here are some example titles of articles/reports we have included in this spreadsheet:
• The Impact of Generative AI on Manufacturing
• AI in Supply Chain: How Supply Chains Benefit from AI
• Taking AI to the next level in manufacturing
• Using generative AI to accelerate product innovation
• Generative AI in the pharmaceutical industry: Moving from hype to reality
• AI and the future of agriculture
• AI in Construction: Top Trends and Practical Applications
• Generative AI: The packaging and paper industry's next frontier
• Gen AI: A cognitive industrial revolution
• AI trends in manufacturing and what to expect in 2025
In our excel spreadsheet we include additional information about each article / report we list, including source, title, subtitle/abstract, publication month, and author names. In addition, the reports and articles have been 'tagged' in the spreadsheet using various columns (see descriptions below) so that you can sort/filter the spreadsheet to find the content you are interested in. Please review the column definitions below.
• Source: The name of the source of the article (e.g. McKinsey, BCG, Gartner, IBM Institute for Business Value, etc.)
• Geo Focus: If the article/report is focused on a specific geo region or country, it will be tagged with the region/country name
• Tech Topics: If the article/report is focused on a specific tech topic (e.g. GenAI), we list that here.
• Adoption Focus: Articles/Reports are tagged according to the they type of adoption-related topics it focuses on. Tags include About (covers an intro to the topic), State of Adoption, Scaling Adoption, Use Cases, Challenges, and Value.
• Biz Topics: If the article/report is focused on a specific business topic (e.g. Future of Work, Customer Service, etc.), it will be tagged in this column.
• Functions/Roles Focus: The articles/reports in this ELOMBODocs spreadsheet are applicable to Industrial sector industry executives. Where the article/report is specific to a function or role, we have tagged that content appropriately. Examples include Manufacturing, R&D, Supply Chain, Customer Service, etc.
• Industry Focus: Articles/Reports that focus on specific Industrial Sector vertical industry have been tagged in this column.
• Title (Click on title to go to the article/document): The title of the article/report is hot-linked and the links take you directly to the source article/report. In some rare cases, you will be required to register your email to access the content. All links have been tested as of March 2, 2025.
• Subtitle: Here we have tried to capture the subtitle or summary of the document in 1-2 sentences
• Month Published: In this column you will find the month this article/report was published.
• Type of Content: Most content is either an article (blog, website, or press) or a report (PDF file). On some article pages you are given an opportunity to download a pdf. You may need to sign on to the source website and complete a profile in order to download the full report.
• Author: Here we have captured the author names (when they were listed).
Our links take you directly to the source article/report. In some rare cases, you will be required to register your email to access the content. All links tested as of March 2, 2025. NOTE: Some of the articles/reports we include in this spreadsheet do appear in other ELOMBODocs excel spreadsheet offerings related to Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI. If you are interested in larger lists of articles/reports on this topic, please review our bundles and/or other document descriptions to discover our most comprehensive lists of articles/reports.
This spreadsheet saves you hours and hours of your own research time and helps you focus YOUR time on delivering thought leadership in your own role within your team, your organization, and with customers and clients.
If you are interested in AI/GenAI thought leadership articles hand-picked for those in C-Suite positions within any industry, you may be interested in checking out other ELOMBODocs excel files on Flevy. We offer documents across many of the different C-Suite roles, including CEO, CMO, CFO, CIO, and CHRO.
Got a question about the product? Email us at or ask the author directly by using the "Ask the Author a Question" form. If you cannot view the preview above this document description, go here to view the large preview instead.
Source: Best Practices in Artificial Intelligence Excel: AI/GenAI in Industrial Sector - Links to 96 Articles/PDFs Excel (XLSX) Spreadsheet, ELOMBODocs Research and Insights
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