Introduction to Lean Thinking (15-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Introduction to Lean Thinking (15-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT)) Preview Image Log in to unlock full preview.
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Introduction to Lean Thinking (PowerPoint PPT)

PowerPoint (PPT) 15 Slides FlevyPro Document

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This product (Introduction to Lean Thinking) is a 15-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPT), which you can download immediately upon purchase.

This document is a high level introduction to Lean Thinking, a management philosophy to guide new-age business thinking, where management is under pressure to reduce costs while improving productivity and throughput.

Topics covered include: Why think Lean?, What's the goal of Lean?, Lean House, Traditional vs. Lean concepts, and Waste.

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Source: Best Practices in Lean Thinking PowerPoint Slides: Introduction to Lean Thinking PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation, Vishnu Rayapeddi

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Vishnu is an experienced management consultant and trainer specializing in implementing continuous process improvements. [read more]


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