Listed document(s): 236
Operational Excellence Consulting, founded in 2009 by Allan Ung, draws from extensive experience at Microsoft, IBM, and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Specializing in strategy deployment, customer experience design, and operational excellence, we empower global individuals and organizations to drive transformative growth and innovation. By maximizing customer value and minimizing waste, we strategically adopt Design Thinking and Lean Methodologies to deliver impactful, sustainable results.
We work with a diverse clientele, spanning government bodies, multinational corporations, and SMEs across various industries. Our comprehensive services encompass Design Thinking, Customer Experience Management, Business Model Innovation, Lean Process Redesign, and more.
We take pride in crafting high-quality, customizable training materials, presentations, frameworks, and templates to facilitate the adoption of operational excellence techniques and tools, perfectly tailored to your training and business needs.
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