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KPI Library
Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Why use the KPI Library?

Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.

This vast range of KPIs across various industries and functions offers the flexibility to tailor Performance Management and Measurement to the unique aspects of your organization, ensuring more precise monitoring and management.

Each KPI in the KPI Library includes 12 attributes:

  • KPI definition
  • Potential business insights [?]
  • Measurement approach/process [?]
  • Standard formula [?]
  • Trend analysis [?]
  • Diagnostic questions [?]
  • Actionable tips [?]
  • Visualization suggestions [?]
  • Risk warnings [?]
  • Tools & technologies [?]
  • Integration points [?]
  • Change impact [?]
It is designed to enhance Strategic Decision Making and Performance Management for executives and business leaders. Our KPI Library serves as a resource for identifying, understanding, and maintaining relevant competitive performance metrics.

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We have 45 KPIs on User Support and Training in our database. KPIs serve as vital indicators for assessing the effectiveness of User Support and Training within Information Technology. By tracking metrics such as resolution time, ticket volume, customer satisfaction scores, and first contact resolution rates, organizations can gain insights into the performance and efficiency of their support teams.

For training, KPIs like course completion rates, post-training assessments, and real-world application of skills guide improvements in educational programs and materials. These indicators help ensure that users receive timely, competent assistance, and that training is effective and aligned with the actual needs of the users. Consequently, KPIs enable continuous improvement by identifying areas for investment and highlighting successful strategies, directly impacting user productivity and overall IT service quality.

  Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.
KPI Definition Business Insights [?] Measurement Approach Standard Formula
Average After-Call Work Time

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The average time spent by support agents on follow-up tasks after a call has ended. Helps in assessing the efficiency of agents and understanding ancillary tasks related to customer calls. Time spent by agents on tasks related to the call after the call has ended, such as updating records or sending emails. (Total Time Spent on After-Call Work / Total Number of Calls)
Average Handling Time (AHT)

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The average time it takes to resolve a support ticket or call, from initial contact to resolution. Indicates overall efficiency of agents in resolving customer issues and managing their time. The sum of talk time, hold time, and after-call work time divided by the number of calls handled. (Total Talk Time + Total Hold Time + Total After-Call Work Time) / Total Number of Calls Handled
Average Time to Answer (ATA)

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The average time it takes for a support agent to answer a user's call. Measures the accessibility of support and can highlight staffing or routing inefficiencies. The average amount of time it takes for a call to be answered after it has been routed to an agent. (Total Time Taken to Answer Calls / Total Number of Calls Answered)
KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 45 KPIs under User Support and Training
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

Call Abandonment Rate

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The percentage of inbound support calls that are abandoned by the caller before reaching a support agent. Reveals customer frustration or possible insufficiencies in call queue management. The percentage of calls that are abandoned by the customer before speaking to an agent. (Total Number of Abandoned Calls / Total Number of Calls Offered) * 100
Call Transfer Rate

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The frequency with which calls are transferred from one agent to another or to a different support level. Highlights potential training gaps or mismatches in call routing. The percentage of calls that are transferred from the initial agent to another agent or department. (Total Number of Transferred Calls / Total Number of Calls Handled) * 100
Change Request Fulfillment Time

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The time taken to implement a change requested by a user in the IT system or services. Assesses the responsiveness and effectiveness of change management processes. The time taken to complete a change request from the time it was submitted. (Total Time to Complete Change Requests / Total Number of Change Requests Completed)

Types of User Support and Training KPIs

We can categorize User Support and Training KPIs into the following types:

Operational Efficiency KPIs

Operational Efficiency KPIs measure the effectiveness and productivity of user support and training operations. These KPIs help identify areas where processes can be streamlined or resources can be optimized. When selecting these KPIs, ensure they align with the organization's broader operational goals and consider the scalability of the metrics. Examples include Average Resolution Time and First Contact Resolution Rate.

User Satisfaction KPIs

User Satisfaction KPIs gauge the level of satisfaction and experience users have with support and training services. These metrics are crucial for understanding user sentiment and identifying areas for improvement. Choose KPIs that provide actionable insights and can be measured consistently over time. Examples include Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT).

Training Effectiveness KPIs

Training Effectiveness KPIs assess the impact and quality of training programs on user performance and knowledge retention. These KPIs help determine if training initiatives are meeting their objectives and delivering value. Select KPIs that can be directly linked to performance improvements and business outcomes. Examples include Training Completion Rate and Post-Training Assessment Scores.

Resource Utilization KPIs

Resource Utilization KPIs track the allocation and usage of resources within the user support and training functions. These metrics are vital for ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively. Focus on KPIs that highlight both overutilization and underutilization to optimize resource allocation. Examples include Support Staff Utilization Rate and Training Resource Utilization.

Cost Management KPIs

Cost Management KPIs monitor the financial aspects of user support and training operations. These KPIs help in managing budgets, reducing costs, and improving financial efficiency. Prioritize KPIs that provide clear visibility into cost drivers and enable proactive cost control. Examples include Cost Per Ticket and Training Cost Per Employee.

Acquiring and Analyzing User Support and Training KPI Data

Organizations typically rely on a mix of internal and external sources to gather data for User Support and Training KPIs. Internal sources include helpdesk software, learning management systems (LMS), and customer feedback tools, which provide detailed analytics on metrics like Average Resolution Time and Training Completion Rate. External sources such as industry benchmarks and market research reports from firms like Gartner and Forrester offer valuable context and comparative data.

Once data is acquired, the next step is analysis. Advanced analytics tools and techniques, including data visualization software and machine learning algorithms, can uncover patterns and insights that might not be immediately apparent. For example, using predictive analytics can help forecast future support demand based on historical data, enabling better resource planning.

According to a McKinsey report, organizations that leverage advanced analytics in their support functions can achieve up to a 30% increase in efficiency. This underscores the importance of not just collecting data but also investing in robust analytics capabilities. Regularly reviewing and updating KPIs based on these insights ensures they remain relevant and aligned with organizational goals.

Moreover, integrating data from various sources into a centralized dashboard can provide a holistic view of performance. This facilitates real-time monitoring and quicker decision-making. For instance, a sudden spike in Average Resolution Time can be immediately flagged, prompting a deeper investigation into potential causes such as increased ticket volume or staffing issues.

In summary, acquiring and analyzing User Support and Training KPIs involves a combination of internal data sources, external benchmarks, and advanced analytics tools. By doing so, organizations can gain actionable insights that drive continuous improvement and operational excellence.

KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 45 KPIs under User Support and Training
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

FAQs on User Support and Training KPIs

What are the most important KPIs for measuring user support effectiveness?

The most important KPIs for measuring user support effectiveness include Average Resolution Time, First Contact Resolution Rate, and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). These metrics provide insights into how efficiently and effectively user issues are being resolved.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my training programs?

Measure the effectiveness of training programs using KPIs such as Training Completion Rate, Post-Training Assessment Scores, and Knowledge Retention Rate. These metrics help evaluate the impact of training on user performance and knowledge retention.

What sources can I use to gather data for User Support and Training KPIs?

Sources for gathering data include internal systems like helpdesk software and learning management systems (LMS), as well as external benchmarks and market research reports from firms like Gartner and Forrester. These sources provide comprehensive data for KPI measurement.

How often should I review and update my KPIs?

Review and update your KPIs at least quarterly to ensure they remain aligned with organizational goals and reflect any changes in operational priorities. Regular updates help maintain the relevance and accuracy of the KPIs.

What tools can I use for analyzing User Support and Training KPIs?

Use advanced analytics tools such as data visualization software, machine learning algorithms, and centralized dashboards. These tools help uncover patterns, provide real-time monitoring, and facilitate quicker decision-making.

How do I ensure my KPIs are actionable?

Ensure your KPIs are actionable by selecting metrics that provide clear insights into performance and can be directly linked to specific actions or improvements. Regularly review and refine KPIs based on feedback and changing business needs.

What role do external benchmarks play in KPI management?

External benchmarks provide valuable context and comparative data, helping organizations understand how their performance stacks up against industry standards. This information can guide goal-setting and performance improvement initiatives.

How can predictive analytics enhance KPI management?

Predictive analytics can enhance KPI management by forecasting future trends and identifying potential issues before they arise. This proactive approach enables better resource planning and more effective decision-making.

KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 45 KPIs under User Support and Training
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

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