Traditional business models primarily prioritize economic gains and profitability. This narrow focus often disregards the social and environmental impacts of business activities. In economics, the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) asserts that organizations should prioritize social and environmental concerns alongside profits. The TBL theory proposes that there should be 3 bottom lines: profit, humans, and the environment.
A TBL seeks to evaluate an organization's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its environmental impact over time and expands the scope by considering the broader impacts of business decisions beyond financial gains.
By addressing these problems, the Triple Bottom Line approach seeks to create a more sustainable and inclusive business paradigm that promotes the well-being of people, the planet, and profitability.
According to the TBL theory, organizations should simultaneously focus on the following 3 bottom lines (also known as the 3 Ps):
1. Profit (also sometimes referred to as Prosperity) – Profit goes beyond financial gains and includes ethical income generation, responsible financial obligations, and contributing to the community's economic wealth.
2. People – This involves prioritizing fair wages, safe working conditions, professional development for employees, diverse suppliers, fair access for customers, and considering feedback on equity and safety.
3. Planet – Environmental responsibility requires making choices that consider the impact on the environment, even if they may involve higher costs or less favorable alternatives. Reporting focuses on assessing the impacts of the company's chosen alternatives.
The Triple Bottom Line urges organizations to think long-term, consider future generations, and balance economic, social, and environmental issues for sustainable growth.
This presentation discusses the 3 Ps in detail, including examples of how to measure the parameter.
This PowerPoint presentation on TBL will give you a walk through on the significance, advantages, disadvantages, measurements, and examples of TBL and how it can impact your organization.
This slide deck also includes slide templates for you to include in your own business presentations.
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Source: Best Practices in Sustainability, Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility PowerPoint Slides: Triple Bottom Line (TBL) PowerPoint (PPTX) Presentation, LearnPPT Consulting
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