5S Audit Checklist with Guidelines
The 5-S, a Japanese concept, is a simple technique for creating & maintaining a neat & clean workplace. The purpose is to create a workplace that is suitable for all other initiatives like quality, safety, productivity and employee morale improvements. It consists of taking 5 steps with words beginning with the letter 'S' in the Japanese language. The Japanese words have been loosely translated into English words (again all of them starting with the letter S) for use by everyone across the world.
The 5-S appears to be an easy & simple concept. But easy things generally elude us. Because, everybody thinks that it is so easy & simple. And hence, nobody does it !!
The details on how to implement 5S are given in our other PPT products in this category.
This product consisting of a PDF file provides a detailed checklist for each of the 5S's, viz. Sort, Set-in-Order, Shine, Standardize & Sustain. Also, there are comprehensive guidelines and examples provided on how to audit each of the check point of the respective stage of 5S.
The audit of 5S's requires the verification of the following 5S stages:
1. Seiri (Sort)
In 5-S terms, it means to distinguish between the necessary & the unnecessary, and to get rid of the unnecessary. The emphasis here is on stratification management & dealing with causes to get rid of the unnecessary and to nip the causes before they become problems.
2. Seiton (Set in Order)
In general usage as in 5-S usage, this means having things in the right places so that they can be used in a hurry. It is a way of eliminating searches. The emphasis here is on functional management and search elimination. Once everything has a right place so that it is functionally based for quality & safety, you have a neat workplace.
3. Seiso (Shine)
In general usage, this means cleaning so that the things are clean. In 5-S terms, it means getting rid of waste, grime and foreign matter and making things clean. Cleaning is a form of inspection. The emphasis here is on cleaning as inspection, on cleanliness, and on creating an impeccable workplace.
4. Seiketsu (Standardisation)
In 5-S terms, this means continually maintaining your organisation, neatness & cleaning (i.e. all the above 3 S's). The emphasis here is on visual management and 5-S standardisation. Innovation & total visual management are used to attain & maintain standardised conditions so that you can always act quickly.
5. Shitsuke (Sustain)
In 5-S terms, it means having the ability to do things the way they are supposed to be done. The emphasis here is on creating a workplace with habits & discipline. By teaching everyone what needs to be done and having everyone practice, bad habits are broken and good habits are formed. People start following the rules.
This document presents a model set of checklist which is typical of the questions to be answered in the case of an organization to be audited. This checklist is based on the requirements to be fulfilled for achieving compliance to a well accepted 5S Body of Knowledge. However, an individual organization may include additional/specific requirements in its documents requiring compliance or may make alterations in the given requirements based on the specific organizational needs.
Some of the key advantages to an auditor for using a checklist for 5S audit are:
it reduces auditor's thinking time
it is a good time management tool
auditor is able to cover all important elements
when used for recording observations, it provides a historical data on audits
Overall, the use of a checklist for conducting 5S audits ensures that the people in the organization are able to get a feedback on their 5S efforts and they are guided towards the gaps they need to fill for achieving full compliance.
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Source: Best Practices in 5S PDF: 5S Audit Checklist with Guidelines PDF (PDF) Document, Quality Professionals Group
5S Lean Management Process Improvement Lean Office Takt Time Operational Excellence Audit Management Kaizen Workplace Productivity
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