UJ Consulting
Untung Juanto ST., MM. Founder of UJ Consulting. He is professionally experienced business and management consultant in several local and multinational companies. He has an experience in managing an effective and efficient company with various approach methods adapted to different industries because He had a career from the lower management level as Supervisor before finally being at the top management level. His Top Management experience started from the position of General Manager, VP Operation, HR Director and Business Development Director
He completed his undergraduate education majoring in Architecture at Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. After that, He continued to Master of Management level majoring in Human Resource Management with cum laude predicate with a GPA of 3.94 at Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
His last work experience as Deputy President Director at Hutahaean Group in charge of 14 business units engaged in various industries including CPO Production, Oil Palm Plantation, Cassava Plantation, Tapioca flour production, 4 and 5 star hotels, waterparks, golf courses and housing with a total of employees more than 3,000 employees.
His biggest achievement was in 2021 when He served as Deputy President Director at Hutahaean Group Indonesia by increasing the company's revenue from IDR 700 billion to IDR 1.1 trillion (y/y) and increasing the profit margin by more than 20%. Doing a turn around on business units that have lost in the last 5 years become profits. In addition, He have also succeeded in creating an efficient and effective management system by redesigning the Business Process Management (BPM), reviewing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Work Instructions and compiling the appropriate Key Performance Indicator Management (KPIM) to increase employee productivity.
He is currently active as a part-time business and management consultant (online) at Enquire Corp. and Flevy Corp. In addition, He also teach part-time at several universities for courses in strategic management, human resource management, project management, entrepreneurship and business.
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